Breaking news from NACE conference

EMS Canada acquires HM Pipeline Services, Inc.

During Tuesday's session of the NACE annual conference, EMS Canada announced it had acquired HM Pipeline Services, Inc.  Terms of the deal were not disclosed. 

HM is known for its services including pipeline pigging, integrity consulting, coating evaluations and GPS surveys.  EMS offers operations and maintenance services to pipeline operators, local distribution companies and independent power, oil and gas producers.

For more info, visit: or

Baker Hughes Pipeline Management Group (PMG) launches first in-line cathodic protection inspection service

During an informational breakfast Tuesday morning, Baker Hughes PMG introduced the CPCM in-line inspection (ILI) service.  This new technology offers the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of a pipeline's cathodic protection system from inside the pipe.  According to Steve Schroder of Baker Hughes PMG, the CPCM ILI service is the first method of its kind in the industry.  With this product, pipeline operators can utilize an ILI tool to proactively identify gaps and flaws in their cathodic protection systems before corrosion damage can occur.

For more information, visit:


