November 2009 Vol. 236 No. 11


Enterprise Products and Duncan Energy Increase Capacity of Haynesville Extension Project

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. and Duncan Energy Partners L.P. announced Nov. 17 an increase in the capacity of its recently announced Haynesville Extension project from 1.4 Bcf/d to 2.1 Bcf/d.

The expansion is due to the number of additional firm transportation commitments from shippers the companies have received. As a result, Enterprise and Duncan Energy placed an order increasing the size of the 249-mile pipeline extension of their jointly-owned Acadian Gas LLC intrastate pipeline into Northwest Louisiana to 42 inches in diameter.

Completion is expected in September 2011, with access to more than 150 end-use markets along the Mississippi River corridor between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. In addition, shippers will be able to access a rapid-cycle salt dome storage cavern and make physical deliveries into the Henry Hub. The Haynesville Extension will also allow shippers to reach nine interstate pipeline systems.

Acadian Gas, LLC is 66 percent owned by Duncan Energy Partners and 34 percent owned by Enterprise Products Partners. Enterprise Products Partners is the parent of Duncan Energy Partners and currently owns approximately 52 percent of the outstanding common units of DEP, in addition to significant direct equity interests in each of Duncan Energy’s subsidiaries.

