February 2011, Vol. 238 No. 2

In The News

PRCI Announces 2011 Program For Energy Pipeline Research

Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), said its 2011 program will address a spectrum of research needs and opportunities covering nearly every aspect of pipeline operations. Specific initiatives include:

  • Corrosion – review performance of fusion bonded epoxy coating; improving internal corrosion threat guidelines; development of grinding limit guidelines for repair of SCC on operating pipelines.
  • Design, Materials & Construction – expanding PRCI’s On-bottom Pipeline Stability Analysis tools; relationship between welding procedure/parameters and the mechanical properties of the girth welds; subsea applications of weld overlay pipe.
  • Operations & Integrity – continued focus on nondestructive evaluation inspection technologies; field tests to evaluate and quantify performance of leak-detection technologies; multiple programs addressing pipeline damage prevention,
  • Compressor & Pump Station – liquid pumps mechanical seals; catalyst-based after-treatment technologies; minimizing gas compressor cylinder lubricating oil consumption; complete an evaluation of a gas turbine field maintenance package.
  • Measurement – assessment of auto-adjust and self-checking capabilities of dual rotor turbine meters; cost-effective orifice meter performance of diagnostic tools; extend the Meter Station Design Tool capability; develop low-cost, distributed gas quality sensors using crossover technologies.
  • Underground Storage – field test of an improved brine string stiffener in a salt cavern; cement bond log inspection tools; development of a possible mechanical integrity test based on gas expansion cooling.

“In light of the recent high-impact pipeline failures, it is important that the industry work collaboratively to find solutions to issues facing these critical assets,” said Paul MacGregor, PRCI Chairman.

