February 2011, Vol. 238 No. 2


NEB Approves NOVA Gas Transmissions Horn River Project

Canada’s National Energy Board (NEB) has approved an application from NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanada, to extend its Alberta System to transport sweet natural gas from the Horn River area in B.C. to a tie in point on the existing Northwest Mainline of the Alberta System.

This extension of the Alberta System will involve three components: the acquisition of the Encana Ekwan Pipeline, which is anticipated to be effective fourth quarter, 2011; construction of the Horn River Mainline (Cabin Section) which is approximately 72 km of 36-inch diameter pipeline and related metering and valve facilities running from a point on the Ekwan Pipeline, north to a natural gas processing facility in the Cabin area; and construction of the Komie East Extension, which will consist of approximately 2.5 km of up to 24-inch diameter pipe and related metering and valve facilities.

The proposed pipeline is expected to be operational early in the second quarter of 2012, subject to regulatory approvals, with an estimated project cost of $310 million.

