February 2011, Vol. 238 No. 2
PII And Partner To Inspect Major Australian Pipelines

PII Pipeline Solutions, a GE Oil & Gas and Al Shaheen joint venture, has been selected to provide advanced inspection technology and engineering services to monitor the integrity of two of Australia’s major natural gas pipeline infrastructure networks.
In conjunction with Contract Resources Ltd., its Australian alliance partner, PII is scheduled to inspect 22 sections of the Dampier-to-Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP).The 26-inch DBNGP, which is owned by Dampier Bunbury Pipeline (DBP), delivers gas from the Carnarvon Basin in the North West Shelf to industrial, commercial and residential customers in the city of Perth and the surrounding region.
The inspection project will be conducted in April 2011 and will span 2,700-km, including DBP’s main and loop lines.
Using its RunCom™ software, PII collects and assesses data over a long-term period to provide insights into the integrity and performance of the pipeline.
Also, the APA Group, Australia’s largest natural gas infrastructure business, has selected PII’s in-line technologies to inspect key portions of its extensive network, in a national contract covering the five states of Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales and South Australia.
Over an 18-month period, PII will inspect up to 30 sections of the pipeline network. Due to the technical challenges presented by the varied range of APA’s pipeline diameters, PII’s magnetic flux leakage inspection technology –MagneScan™ — was selected to perform inspection on all sections.