October 2012, Vol. 239 No. 10


Cheniere Files FERC and DOE Applications for Proposed Corpus Christi Liquefaction Project

Cheniere Energy, Inc. has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC has filed an application with FERC for authorization to site, construct and operate an LNG export facility near Corpus Christi, Texas.

The proposed project is being designed for up to three liquefaction trains with an aggregate peak capacity of 15 million tonnes per annum. Corpus Christi Liquefaction had previously received approval from the FERC to commence the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) pre-filing process for the Corpus Christi Project in December 2011.

CEI has also filed applications with the U.S. Department of Energy requesting multi-contract authorization to export up to 782 million MMBtu of LNG per year (equivalent to 15 mtpa) from the proposed Corpus Christi Project to both countries with which the United States has a free trade agreement and all other countries.

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