October 2012, Vol. 239 No. 10


Hurricane Response Team Monitor Oil And Gas Operators Activities

Offshore oil and gas operators in the Gulf of Mexico continue to restore production following Hurricane Isaac. The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Hurricane Response Team will continue to work with offshore operators and other state and federal agencies until operations return to normal.

Oil and gas operators continue to assess their facilities and are submitting damage reports to BSEE as required. Reports continue to indicate mainly minor damage.

Based on data from offshore operator reports submitted as of Sept. r 5, personnel remain evacuated on 18 production platforms, equivalent to 3% of the 596 manned platforms in the Gulf. Personnel remain evacuated from one rig. .

It was estimated that 49.33% of daily oil production in the Gulf was shut-in. It was also estimated that 25.71% of daily natural gas production was shut-in.
Once all standard checks have been completed, production from undamaged facilities are brought back on line immediately. BSEE updates the evacuation and shut-in statistics each day.

