September 2012, Vol. 239 No. 9


ANR Holds Non-Binding Open Season

A non-binding open season for ANR Pipeline’s Wisconsin 2015 expansion project closed on Aug.1.

This project proposes expansion of certain mainline and lateral facilities for points of delivery along ANR’s existing mainline and lateral facilities within Wisconsin and Northern Illinois, and specific areas north of ANR’s existing Sandwich Compressor Station in La Salle County, IL; delivery points including and east of ANR’s Marshfield interconnection with Viking Gas Transmission Company in Wood County, WI (Marshfield); delivery points including and east and north of ANR’s interconnection with Northern Natural Gas Company in Rock County, WI; and delivery points west and south of ANR’s Goodman Compressor Station in Marinette County, WI.

ANR also solicited turnback of transportation capacity to serve the areas of Illinois and Wisconsin that would be served by the project which closed on Aug.1. Service is anticipated to commence on Nov.1, 2015.

