July 2013, Vol. 240 No. 7
KM Pipeline Expansion

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners will invest $107 million to expand its Kinder Morgan Crude and Condensate (KMCC) pipeline system deeper into the Eagle Ford Shale play in Karnes County, TX.
The expansion, supported by a long-term contact with ConocoPhillips, will extend the 178-mile pipeline 31 miles from the KMCC DeWitt Station in DeWitt County to Conoco Phillips’ central delivery facility near Helena in Karnes County.
Kinder Morgan will build receipt tanks and a truck unloading facility adjacent to ConocoPhillips’ Helena central delivery facility. Kinder Morgan expects to begin construction shortly.
KMP Products Pipelines President Ron McClain said, “This expansion further assists our commitment to deliver up to 300,000 bpd of crude and condensate from the Eagle Ford Shale.” Completion is scheduled for the third quarter.