April 2014, Vol. 241 No. 4
Excelerate Seeks Approval For First FLNG Export Facility In U.S.

Excelerate Energy has filed its formal application with FERC requesting authorization to construct, own, and operate the first floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) export facility in the United States.
“The filing represents a major milestone and further strengthens project momentum as we head toward a final approval,” said Rob Bryngelson, president and CEO of Excelerate. “We continue to make strong progress on all fronts and hope to make a final investment decision within the next 12 months.”
Pending FERC approval, the facility is expected to be operational in late 2018. Excelerate has been granted permission to export to free-trade agreement (FTA) nations by the Department of Energy and filed for non-FTA approval in October 2012. Excelerate is third on the list of applicants the DOE is processing.
As proposed the facility will be sited along the coast south of Point Comfort, TX, and will comprise a permanently moored floating liquefaction storage and offloading (FLSO) unit with 4.4 million tons per annum (mtpa) of production capacity and 250,000 m³ of LNG storage, and a fully integrated, onshore gas processing plant. The facility will interconnect to the region’s existing pipeline system to obtain natural gas and liquefy it onboard the unit. The project will be designed and permitted with the potential for expansion and the addition of a second FLSO over time for a total production capacity of up to 10 mtpa.