November 2014, Vol. 241, No. 11
Enterprise To Build Gas Processing Plant/Pipelines To Serve Delaware Basin

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. plans to construct a cryogenic natural gas processing plant in Eddy County, NM and associated natural gas and NGL pipeline infrastructure to facilitate growing production of NGL-rich natural gas in the Delaware Basin. These assets are expected to begin operations in early 2016.
The South Eddy natural gas processing plant will have an initial capacity of 200 MMcf/d of natural gas with potential for future expansions. Upon completion, this will bring Enterprise’s total natural gas processing plant capacity in the Delaware Basin to 400 MMcf/d.
To supply the new plant, Enterprise plans to construct 80 miles of natural gas gathering pipelines to complement its existing 1,500 miles of natural gas pipelines located in the Delaware Basin. Enterprise will also build a 75-mile, 12-inch NGL pipeline to transport NGLs from the South Eddy plant to the company’s Hobbs NGL fractionation and storage facility in Gaines County, TX.
Through the connection at Hobbs, NM customers will have access to Enterprise’s integrated network of pipelines linking them to the company’s NGL fractionation and storage complex in Mont Belvieu, TX. Enterprise plans to construct pipelines to deliver residue gas from the South Eddy plant to multiple third-party pipelines.