August 2024, Vol. 251, No. 8


Tennessee Pipeline Gets Initial FERC Approval

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By Stephen Barlas, Contributing Editor, Washington, D.C.

The staff at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has given a preliminary green light to the latest interstate pipeline project to cross its desk.  

That would be East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC’s request to build a 122-mile, 30-inch pipeline to provide about 300,000 dekatherms per day of new firm natural gas transportation to the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Kingston Fossil Plant, which is converting to natural gas FERC staff approved a preliminary environmental impact state in June. 

As is normally the case these days when operators apply for approval to build significant new pipelines, local environmental groups oppose the new the Ridgeline Expansion Project.  

“It is difficult to believe that in an era of growing climate change impacts, East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC, is considering constructing the Ridgeline Expansion Project,” Eric Johnson, head of a group called Amphibian Refuge, told FERC. “The project will contribute to increased greenhouse gas emissions, which would result in more climate disasters and not benefit the climate. Other energy options, such as solar, wind, geothermal, and energy conservation should be considered.”  

Other environmental groups have also raised objections.  

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