November 2009 Vol. 236 No. 11


Pemex Awards United Pipeline de Mexico $12.4 Million Contract

Insituform Technologies, Inc.’s Mexican joint venture, United Pipeline de Mexico de C.V. (UPM), has been awarded a $12.4 million contract by Pemex for construction, replacement and rehabilitation of 425 miles of pipelines in the Chicontepec region. Insituform’s subsidiaries Corrpro Companies, Inc. and The Bayou Company, Inc. will provide cathodic protection and field joint coating services.

Work is expected to take 16 months to complete. UPM will oversee new construction, including corrosion protection services, and the rehabilitation of 15 miles of pipeline using Insituform’s Tite Liner® polyethylene lining system. The new and rehabilitated pipelines will be used to transfer oil from wellheads to production facilities.

