November 2009 Vol. 236 No. 11
What's New
November New Products

Pipeline Inspection Company, Ltd., Cameron and Hoerbiger, Lincoln Electric, R&M Energy Systems, Farwest Corrosion Control Co., American Innovations, GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies, IRT Integrated Rectifier Technologies, Inc., KBR Magneto, Senscient Inc., SubSurface Instruments, Inc., Sensus, Porta-King, GeoFields, Inc.
Pipeline Inspection Company, Ltd.
Pipeline Inspection Ltd. says its SPY® 780 ergonomic FBE-coating holiday detector’s direct current operation offers greater reliability and operating flexibility when FBE and other thin coatings are inspected. The company says no matter how fast the operator scans the pipe, the constant current provides a complete and continuous coverage over a 1,000-5,000 V spectrum. Even the smallest of holidays can be detected and repaired in FBE. The 780 is lightweight and self-contained and shares all the same ergonomic features as the SPY Model 785 (1,000-15,000 V) and 790 (5,000-35,000 V) pulse units. A built-in jeep meter reduces set-up time. Electrodes are available to inspect pipe from 2-60 inches in diameter. Each system is packaged with two eight-hour batteries, a charger electrode wand and a ground cable in a durable molded carrying case. 713-681-5837,,
Cameron and Hoerbiger
Cameron’s Compression Systems group and Hoerbiger Engineering Services have teamed up to offer comprehensive engine and compressor modernization upgrades under the moniker Reignite. Though they have previously worked together on several upgrade projects, the initiative was recently made official with a formal agreement that allows them to freely share resources and technology required to meet current and future emissions standards as well as to upgrade engines and compressors for optimum combustion stability, fuel economy and reliability. Why choose Reignite? The companies say their solution is comprehensive. They point to their flexibility, saying their team of engineers and project managers will work with clients to find a solution for unique needs – regardless of manufacture. They offer guaranteed performance and experience gained from more than 450 upgrade projects. 866-754-3562,,
Lincoln Electric
Lincoln Electric has developed a new way to teach welding techniques through a virtual welding system called VRTEX™ 360. The system incorporates technology Lincoln recently acquired from VRSim Inc., an East Hartford, CT-based leader in the development of training software and graphic simulation for industry and academia. Lincoln says VRTEX 360 is a Virtual Reality Arc Welding (VRAW™) training solution and represents the next generation of VR welding training. The VRTEX 360 provides a “virtual” hands-on training experience that allows students to complete more passes than traditional training and provides real-time welding technique feedback similar to a video game to both trainers and students. The VRTEX 360 feeds computer-generated data with a virtual welding gun and helmet equipped with internal monitors. The student practices welding in virtual environments, including simulated welding booth training environment or field-welding applications. Erin Justice,
R&M Energy Systems
Yale® Figure 500® and 500R® quick-opening closures from R&M Energy Systems have compiled over 45 years of field service. Designed for fast, easy and economical accessibility to pipelines and other vessel applications, Yale Figure 500 closures are available in sizes 2-14-inch while Figure 500R closures are available in sizes 16 inches and larger. A pressure alert valve (PAV) is standard equipment on all 6-inch and larger closures. Removing the valve stem from the PAV body warns the operator of any residual pressure in the vessel before the closure cap is loosened. Strong Acme cap threads provide greater safety by allowing trapped pressure to bleed off while maintaining 90% thread engagement, thus decreasing the risk to personnel and surrounding equipment. 936-890-1064, 403-264-2995,
Farwest Corrosion Control Co.
Farwest Corrosion Control announced its Cash for Clunkers promotion for aging cathodic protection rectifiers. The promotion allows owners of old rectifiers to replace those units, no matter what their condition, with new models of their choice and receive up to $250 cash toward each new rectifier purchase. To qualify, buyers must send a photo or nameplate of their old rectifier to Farwest. All orders must be received by Dec. 31, 2009 when the offer ends. 310-532-9524, 888-532-7937,
American Innovations
American Innovations’ Field Data Division (FDD) is teaming with Houston-based EPS Custom Software Group (EPS) to migrate its Pipeline Compliance System Software (PCS) from Visual Fox® to the latest version of SQL®/.NET®. EPS is a Microsoft® Certified Partner and American Innovations said it employs senior developers who are known to their peers for their level of technical excellence and is one of a handful of companies with both a FoxPro and SQL/.NET knowledge base. PCS is the industry leader in data base management for required and recommended inspection of pipeline assets. The project is expected to be completed in 2012. 800-229-3404,,
GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies
GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies has announced the new Phasor CV/DM, said to be the first phased array inspection device for corrosion spot identification in the marketplace. GE says corrosion spots are small, isolated areas where corrosion has reduced a pipe’s wall thickness and can compromise its ability to safely hold pressure and its contents. Part of GE’s field-proven phased array family, the Phasor CV/DM provides extensive inspection coverage with every scan, and even the smallest corrosion pit can be identified, measured and evaluated. Concurrently, inspection times are significantly reduced. The device has application in oil and gas and other sectors. GE’s Phasor CV/DM software comprehensively displays inspection data, optimizing the potential of the specially developed multi-element phased array probe.
IRT Integrated Rectifier Technologies, Inc.
IRT says safety should always be a priority. Operators and owners can now minimize risk of accidental contact of exposed components/hardware with enhanced safety features incorporated into the IRT rectifier product. According to IRT, Tap Switch adjustment is a safe alternate to tap bar or terminal adjustment. Switches also eliminate the possibility of loose connection problems following output setting adjustment. Dead Front Fuse Holders are fully shrouded and designed with an easy grip handle for safe withdrawal or insertion of the fuse. The Fuse Holders’ fully plated contacts offer low resistance and cool running operation. The GFI Receptacle provides on-board AC power access/availability using an approved GFI receptacle device. Touch-Safe Lexan barriers offer built-in entry protection with no cumbersome nuts or bolts required for attachment. The barrier is lightweight and virtually unbreakable. Rectifier Interruption Ports/Terminals are included that allow for safe and easy access for AC interruption of the rectifier without having to disconnect any rectifier wiring. Ken Roth, 780-447-1114,
KBR Magneto
KBR Magneto of Poland says its magnetic field indicators MFI-3 and MFI-4 detect attempts to affect measuring devices with the magnetic field coming from permanent magnets. The company says the magnetic field indicators are designed for the permanent registration of a magnetic field presence. They can be used for the identification of tampering with water meters, watt-hour meters and gas meters with the use of an external magnetic field. When a magnetic field of the appropriate strength has acted on the indicator, the arrangement structure of the indicator’s magnetic domains, initially visible in the form of one or three magnetic geometric figures, is disturbed that leads to irreversible blurring of the contours of these figures or to their complete disappearance. 48-34-3668858,,
Senscient Inc.
Senscient presents its ELDS open path gas detection technology and ELDS™ (Enhanced Laser Diode Spectroscopy) Series detectors. ELDS gas detection technology is cited as the first and only system capable of detecting both combustible and toxic gases selectively with discreet communications outputs from one line-of-sight gas detection system for up to 60% reduction in capital expenditure. Configurations are available for Methane + Hydrogen Sulfide in Sour Gas and Low Level Methane for all applications in the Oil and Gas industries. Senscient was established in 2004 to develop, manufacture and market advanced gas detection products. The technology developed by Senscient is “Enhanced Laser Diode Spectroscopy,” described by the firm as a revolutionary open path gas detection and measurement technology.
SubSurface Instruments, Inc.
SubSurface says its PVC/all-material locator’s laser beam marks the spot. The “Innspector 07” is described as a lightweight, hand-held locator that detects buried pipes, cables, and objects made of virtually anything – from clay to metal to plastic to concrete. It is said to be able to detect all those things that one currently cannot find underground with other detectors, to a depth of 10-12 feet and, in some cases, more…even while standing in shallow water. The firm says it is patented technology and is designed for easy portability. It is a one-piece, self-contained instrument that weighs less than 2.5 pounds including four alkaline “C” batteries. Shipped in custom soft case or optional hard case. Ron Davenport, 920-347-1788,,
In response to gas utilities that want another choice in low-cost, compact residential meters, Sensus is releasing the Cubix250 in early 2010. It is an ANSI Class 250 meter designed to offer utilities a better option at a lower price point while maintaining performance and reliability. The meter uses Sensus’ new accuWAVE diaphragm material that is already being used in the company’s standard size Class 250 meter, the model R275. The new meter’s reduced size – about 25% smaller than the R275 – allows for a lower initial cost. The company says – with the release of the compact Cubix250 and the ongoing availability of the R275 standard size Class 250 meter – it is able to supply utilities with the best value for their needs.
Porta-King says it makes affordable and custom enclosure solutions for use as guard buildings and equipment shelters. To address the wide range of different applications, the company manufactures buildings and enclosures that can be shipped either preassembled or assembled on-site. The company says it offers the best warranties in the industry and its systems install with minimal downtime. Porta-King’s pre-fabricated building systems provide shelter, storage and security solutions for virtually any working environment., 800-284-5346.
GeoFields, Inc.
GeoFields, Inc. recently demonstrated a gas distribution risk modeling solution at the ESRI Electric & Gas User Group (EGUG) Conference. GeoFields said the upcoming release of the RiskFrame® DIMP Modeler is intended to aid LDCs prepare for upcoming distribution integrity management regulations. It is said to enable utilities to identify threats, then evaluate risk and prioritize mitigation activities without the need of a measured centerline, a typical requirement for transmission pipeline systems. Users will have the ability to apply their organization’s risk algorithms, define the contributing risk factors (causes and consequences), and calculate the final risk value. Following the processing of this data, the resulting risk scores can be displayed or exported as a map document, tabular or chart view, allowing operators to more efficiently prioritize and focus on areas having the highest risk, critical steps in complying with the pending DIMP regulation., 404-253-1000.