March 2011, Vol. 238 No. 3
Provident Energy/Alta Gas Pipeline Planned
Provident Energy Ltd. and and AltaGas Ltd. plan to construct a 16-inch rich gas pipeline from a Montney gas plant to the AltaGas/Provident Younger deep cut natural gas processing facility in northeastern British Columbia.
The 25-km Younger Septimus Pipeline will serve as a trunk line to support the gathering of up to 250 MMcf/of natural gas from the liquids-rich Montney area.
The Younger facility is the only deep cut extraction plant in British Columbia. The facility provides recoveries of up to 80% of the ethane and 99%b of propane-plus liquids entrained in the natural gas stream.
The pipeline has an estimated cost of approximately $30 million, of which Provident has committed $9 million. Provident estimates the pipeline will become fully operational by the fourth quarter of 2011.