April 2012, Vol. 239 No. 4
Business Meetings & Events
April 2012 Ad Index

Advertisers from the print edition of Pipeline & Gas Journal, April 2012, Vol. 239 No. 4.
A&E Construction Supply
abovegroundmarkers.com LLC, www.abovegroundmarker.com
AE Industrial
AGS, www.agsgps.com
Air Logistics, www.airlog.com
Airport Windsock Corp.
Allan Edwards Companies, www.allanedwards.com
Anchor Pipe International, www.anchorpipe.com
Ariel Corporation, www.ARIELcorp.com
Atlas Copco Construction & Mining USA
AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG
Bayou Companies
Bishop Lifting Products, www.lifting.com
BKW Inc., www.bkwinc.com
Brad Bean, www.b3pe.com
Bredero Shaw, www.brederoshaw.com
Canusa, www.canusa-cps.com
CCI Pipeline Systems, www.ccipipe.com
CECO, www.ceconet.com
Clarion Technical Conferences, www.clarion.org
Clock Spring Company, www.clockspring.com
Coastal Corrosion Control, www.coastalcorrosion.com
Commercial Resins
Control Devices, Inc., www.pigging.com
Control Microsystems, Inc., www.sp410.com
CRC-Evans Pipeline International, www.crc-evans.com
Cross Country Supply, www.ccpipeline.com
Darby Equipment Company
Davis Corporation, www.davcorpipelinerollers.com
Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc., www.stoprust.com
Denso GmbH, www.denso.de
Denso North America, www.densona.com
DMI International
doc2e File, Inc.
Dresser-Rand Corporate Services
Dualco, www.dualco-inc.com
Dyna Torque/Numax
Eagle 1 Resources
Elster Gas North America
EN Engineering, www.enengineering.com
Enduro Pipeline Services, www.enduropls.com
ENTELEC, www.entelec.org
E-Z Line Pipe Support Co., Inc., www.ezline.com
Faremouth & Company
FDI Acoustics, www.fdiacoustics.com
Flexim Americas Corporation, www.flexim.com
FMC Technologies/Measurement Solutions, www.smithmeter.com
Gas Products, Inc., www.gpi-rsc.com
Gearench, Inc., www.gearench.com
Glas Mesh Company
Greenes Energy Group – Pipeline
Gulf Interstate Field Services, www.gie.com
Harding Directional Drilling, www.hardingdrilling.com
Hatch Mot & MacDonald, www.hatchmott.com
Heaman Pipe Bending, Inc., www.heaman.com
Heath Consultants Incorporated, www.heathus.com
Henkels & McCoy, Inc., www.henkels.com
HFP Acoustical Consultants Corp., www.hfpacoustical.com
Hold Tight Solutions
Holly Pipe Corporation
Honeywell Process Solutions
Horizontal Technology, Inc.
Hunt, Guillot & Associates, www.hga-llc.com
Inline Services, www.inlineservices.com
International Corrosion Control, www.rustrol.com
Italcontrol Srl
Itron, www.itron.com
ITW Tempil
JetSuite, www.jetsuite.com
John Deere
Kidd Pipeline & Specialties, Inc., www.kiddpipeline.com
KS Energy Services, www.ksenergyservices.com
Lane Trailer Manufacturing Co., www.lanetrailers.com
Laney Directional Drilling, www.laneydrilling.com
LASEN, www.lasen.com
LB&A, Inc.
Lift Technologies, Inc., www.lifttechnologiesinc.com
LJ Welding & Machine, www.ljwelding.com
Matcor, www.matcor.com
Mattracks, www.litefootatv.com
McElroy Manufacturing, Inc., www.mcelroy.com
McJunkin Redman Corporation
Mears IS/HDD, www.mears.net
MESA, www.mesaproducts.com
MI Swaco, div. of Schlumberger
Michels Corporation, www.michels-usa.com
Midwestern Contractors, www.midwesterncontractors.com
Midwestern Manufacturing, www.sidebooms.com
Molkveld Valves BV, www.mokveld.com
Mueller Company, www.muellercompany.com
NACE, www.nace.org
National Compliance Management, www.nationalcompliance.com
Neptune Research, Inc., www.neptuneresearch.com
Oilfield Manufacturers Warehouse, www.timmillersales.com
OleumTech Corporation, www.oleumtech.com
Outlaw Padding Company, www.outlawpadding.com
PeBen U.S.A., www.pebenusa.com
Pig Logistics, www.piglogistics.com
Pigs Unlimited International, Inc., www.pigsunlimited.com
Pipeline Equipment, Inc., www.pipelineequipment.com
PipeLine Machinery International, www.plmcat.com
Pipeline Pigging Products, www.pipepigs.com
Pipeway International, www.pipeway.com
Polyguard Products, Inc., www.polyguardproducts.com
PolyPipe, Inc.
Power Associates International, www.paiinc.com
Proline Pipe Equipment, Inc., www.prolinepipeequipment.com
ProSoft Technology, Inc., www.prosoft-technology.com
PSS Companies, Wasatch Supply
Quest Integrity Group, www.questintegrity.com
Remco Supply, Inc., www.remcotulsa.com
Reynolds French, www.r-f.com
RG Texin Manufacturing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Rock Guard
Rosen Group, www.roseninspection.net
Russell NDE Systems, Inc., www.russelltech.com
S B Systems, Inc., www.smallbuildingsystems.com
SAFE Engineering & Services, www.sestech.com
SEC Energy Products & Services, www.sec-ep.com
Serimax, www.serimax.com
Shaw Pipeline Services
Socotherm SpA, www.socotherm.com
Steel, Etc.
Step-Ko Products, www.stepko.com
Stroud Diving & Hydrography, www.mesco-offshore.com
Sunbelt Equipment Marketing, Inc., www.sunbeltrentals.com
T.D. Williamson, Inc., www.tdwilliamson.com
Taylor Valve Technologies, www.taylorvalve.com
Tega Engineering Industry & Trade Co., www.tega.com.tr
Televent, www.tempil.com
Tigercat Industries, Inc.
Titan Flow Control, Inc.
Total Safety U.S., Inc., www.totalsafety.com/solutions
U.S. Trencher & Supply, Inc.
United Pipeline Systems
VERTEK, www. Vertekcpt.com
Wasco Energy Ltd., www.wascoenergy.com
Wavetrak Electronics, Ltd.
Weamco/Metric, www.weamco.com
Wilcrest Field Services, Inc., www.wilcrest.com
World Gas Congress, www.wgc2009.com
Worldwide Machinery, www.worldwidemachinery.com