February 2015, Vol. 242, No. 2
Meritage Midstream Announces NGL Pipeline Extension

Meritage Midstream has begun operations on the first leg of the 108-mile Thunder Creek NGL Pipeline. The pipeline will be owned and operated by Thunder Creek NGL Pipeline, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Meritage.
The pipeline serves producers in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin and consists of 22 miles of pipeline and another 86 miles secured through a long-term lease from Phillips 66. The pipeline has an initial capacity to transport 15,000 bpd. Meritage expects to expand the pipeline’s capacity to 30,000 bpd as shipper demand increases.
Meritage will begin construction of a 140-mile extension of the NGL pipeline shortly. This will include an interconnect near Cheyenne, WY into the Overland Pass Pipeline Company’s 760-mile pipeline that provides NGL deliveries to the Mid-Continent market center in Conway, KS. The extension is expected to come into service early next year.