January 2015, Vol. 242, No. 1


Gulfstar FPS Now Reality In Deepwater Gulf Of Mexico

Installation of Gulfstar One is complete – 21,500 tons of proof that American engineering and construction are alive and well. Gulfstar’s standard design approach allows customers to reduce cycle time from discovery to first oil. From sanctioning a project to completion, Gulfstar can be delivered in 30 months.

Gulfstar is the first system of its kind to be built in the United States, creating 1,000 jobs in 20 states. Fabrication of the hull took place in Aransas Pass, TX, while the topsides fabrication occurred in Houma, La. At least 90% of the materials were sourced in the United States.

The floating production system is moored 135 miles southeast of New Orleans in about 4,300 feet of water. It serves as a hub that aggregates production and then combines production handling services with oil and gas export pipeline services, which feed Williams’ downstream oil and gas gathering and processing services on the Gulf Coast.

