January 2015, Vol. 242, No. 1
Statoil Announces First Oil From Jack/St. Malo Project

Gas production has begun from Jack/St. Malo project in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, a major step in Statoil’s plan to have more than a fourfold increase in offshore production from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico by 2020.
The Jack and St. Malo fields are located within 25 miles of each other in 7,000 feet of water in the Walker Ridge area, 280 miles south of New Orleans. The fields were co-developed with subsea completions flowing back to a single host, semi-submersible floating production unit located between the fields, with a production capacity of 170,000 bpd and 42.5 MMcf/d.
Crude oil will be transported 137 miles to the Green Canyon 19 Platform via the Jack/St. Malo Oil Export Pipeline, and then onto refineries along the Gulf Coast. The pipeline is the first large-diameter, ultra-deepwater pipeline in the Walker Ridge area. Statoil’s expected production from the combined fields is 23,000 bpd at peak production.