April 2016, Vol. 243, No. 4
Summit Places North Dakota Pipeline in Service, Readies Another

Summit Midstream Partners, LP has begun operations of the Stampede Lateral crude oil transmission pipeline in North Dakota and is in the final stages of completing the nearby Little Muddy crude oil transmission pipeline, which includes an interconnect with Enbridge’s North Dakota Pipeline System. The Stampede Lateral connects SMLP’s Polar & Divide crude oil gathering system with Global Partners LP’s Basin Transload rail terminal located near Columbus, ND. The Stampede Lateral provides Global and other producers in the region with up to 60,000 bpd of crude oil throughput capacity.
The Little Muddy pipeline will connect SMLP’s Polar & Divide crude oil gathering system with North Dakota Pipeline System in Williams County via Enbridge’s Little Muddy facility located near Marmon. This development project includes 14-miles of 10-inch crude oil transmission pipeline with throughput capacity of 27,000 bpd. Crude oil delivered to the Little Muddy Interconnect will gain pipeline access to downstream markets including Chicago, Patoka, Cushing, Eastern Canada, and the Gulf Coast.