October 2018, Vol. 245, No. 10


Companies in the News

San Diego-based Sempra Energy formed a new operating group to head its North American infrastructure businesses, shuffling some executives in the process. The new group, called Sempra North American Infrastructure, will encompass operations in Mexico that are part of the company’s IEnova subsidiary, as well as Sempra’s existing LNG & Midstream division that includes the massive Cameron LNG facility, under construction in Louisiana.

Pinnacle Midstream completed several crude oil, gas gathering and processing projects in the northern Delaware Basin of the United States. The company began operations of a 60 MMcf/d Sierra Grande I natural gas processing plant, several new compressor stations and additional low- and high-pressure gas gathering pipelines. The gathering systems are designed to support multi-well pad development, which is anticipated to accelerate through the rest of the year and into 2019.

SeaOne Caribbean, which is developing the Caribbean and Central American Fuels Supply Project for natural gas and NGLs delivery, has been recognized by CG/LA Infrastructure for having the region’s Top Strategic Infrastructure Project for 2018. The presentation took place at CG/LA 16th Latin American & Caribbean Infrastructure Leadership Forum in Miami, Fla. 

Omers Infrastructure Management signed a definitive agreement to acquire a 50% interest in BridgeTex Pipeline Company for $1.438 billion. BridgeTex is the owner of the BridgeTex pipeline, a provider of crude oil transportation from Colorado City in West Texas to refineries in Houston and Texas City, as well as marine export through the Houston Ship Channel.

Canada’s largest pipeline operator Enbridge is buying its U.S. master limited partnership Spectra Energy Partners for $3.3 billion. Many pipeline companies are reorganizing following the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s March decision to end an income tax allowance as part of the fees charge to shippers.

