Natural Gas

Natural Gas Efficiency Programs Pay Off in Reduced Costs, Emissions

North American natural gas utilities have been spending nearly $4 million a day for programs to help residential, commercial and industrial customers make more efficient use of fuel.

Amid Challenges, Natural Gas Remains Growing Part of Energy Mix

According to S&P Global Market Intelligence, 120,498 MW of gas-fired capacity came online between 2008 and Aug. 1, 2019. Twenty percent of that was in 2018 and 2019 alone, and roughly 200 new gas plants have been proposed or are in development right now.

GMRC Report: Rotating to the Future – Relevance Today and a Revolutionary Tomorrow

While change in the natural gas industry is happening at an accelerated pace, GMRC is thriving by embracing flexibility, adaptability and facilitating learning in action.

Anatomy of Frustration: Atlantic Coast and Dakota Access Pipelines

In early July, the U.S. pipeline industry faced down a one-two punch as the $8 billion Atlantic Coast Pipeline was canceled and a federal judge ordered the Dakota Access pipeline shut down.

And Our Readers Say …

A recent survey of Pipeline & Gas Journal readers showed a clear majority of respondents believe the lingering effects of the coronavirus and recent developments concerning Dakota Access and Atlantic Coast pipelines have dealt a serious one-two punch to midstream businesses.

Underwater: Australia's Oil Industry Faces New Indigenous Heritage Test

A discovery of ancient artifacts near a planned pipeline route off Australia's west coast has opened new challenges for energy companies to conserve indigenous heritage.

Merkel Doesn't Rule Out Sanctions on Nord Stream 2

Chancellor Angela Merkel does not rule out imposing sanctions on a pipeline set to bring Russian gas to Germany in response to the suspected poisoning of a Kremlin critic with a Soviet-style nerve agent, her chief spokesman said on Monday.

Merkel Doesn't Rule Out Sanctions on Nord Stream 2

Chancellor Angela Merkel does not rule out imposing sanctions on a pipeline set to bring Russian gas to Germany in response to the suspected poisoning of a Kremlin critic with a Soviet-style nerve agent, her chief spokesman said on Monday.

Hungary Signs Gas Deal with Shell, its First in the West

Hungary has signed a six-year deal to purchase 250 million cubic meters of LNG from Shell, its first gas deal with a western company.

Germany Pressed to Rethink Nord Stream 2 Pipeline After Navalny Poisoning

The German government is feeling pressure to dampen its support for the Kremlin's Russia-Germany Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline after a major political opponent to Russian President Vladimir Putin was confirmed to have been poisoned with a Soviet-era nerve agent.

San Mateo Midstream Provides Pipeline, Black River LNG Updates

San Mateo midstream provided updates on Tuesday to several of its ongoing pipeline projects as well as on the expansion of its Black River LNG plant in New Mexico.

U.S. Department of Interior Requests Expedited Environmental Reviews for Energy Projects from Trump Administration

The U.S. Department of Interior has asked the Trump Administration to fast track environmental reviews for several major energy and infrastructure projects, including LNG facilities and pipelines.

Enbridge Restores Offshore Pipelines After Hurricane Shutdown

Enbridge has restored operations on two of its offshore natural gas pipelines in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico after Hurricane Laura prompted shutdowns last week.

Brazil's Lower House to Vote on End to Petrobras Virtual Gas Monopoly, Encourage Pipelines

The lower house of Brazil's parliament is set to vote soon on legislation that would end the state-owned energy company Petrobras' virtual monopoly of the natural gas industry, opening up the sector, including pipelines, to private investment.

High Storage Levels Mean Weak Gas Prices Expected for European Winter

Analysts are expecting weak gas prices in the European market over the winter season as storage levels are already nearly full due to a sharp drop in demand early this year as countries went into lockdown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Russia's Lukoil Suspends Uzbek Gas Exports to China Due to Weak Demand

An official from Russia's Lukoil said in a conference call on Friday the company has suspended gas deliveries to China from its projects in Uzbekistan due to weak demand amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Investigation into Baltimore Explosion Finds Gas Utility Equipment Not to Blame

An investigation by Baltimore Gas and Electric into a recent fatal gas explosion in the city discovered that the company's pipes and equipment were not responsible for the blast.

Greece, Bulgaria Hail Deal Targeting Russia Gas Dominance

Greece and Bulgaria sought to reduce their reliance on Russian gas with the signing Monday of an agreement that will allow Bulgaria to participate in a planned LNG terminal in northeastern Greece.

Terrorists Blamed for Pipeline Blast in Syria

An explosion on a main gas pipeline traversing the Middle East caused a blackout across Syria on Monday. Government officials said it was the result of a terrorist attack.

AGA: 5 Things U.S. Political Parties Must Keep in Mind When Outlining Energy Platforms

AGA President and CEO Karen Harbert outlines five energy principles that both Democrats and Republicans should consider in their national platforms before the 2020 election

U.S. Natural Gas Futures Jump to 8-Month High on Rising LNG Exports, Hot Weather

U.S. natural gas futures jumped to an eight-month high on Tuesday on rising liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports and forecasts for high air conditioning demand over the next two weeks.

Japan's Mitsui Cleared to Export Gas from West Australian Project

Japan's Mitsui & Co won an exemption from the Western Australian government on Monday to export gas from a new onshore field

Gas Pipeline to China's First Major Independent LNG Terminal Complete

Work has been completed on a subsea gas pipeline connecting the country's first major privately owned terminal with a local gas grid.

Australia Bucks the Global Trend, Goes with Natural Gas Over Renewables: Russell

Australia's conservative government appears to be pivoting away from backing coal for future energy needs but hasn't quite made it all the way to renewables, instead waylaying into natural gas.

EU 'Highly Concerned' by U.S. Stance on Nord Stream Pipeline

A delegation of members within the European Union has raised concerns with the U.S. state department regarding sanctions imposed by the country on companies involved in the construction of Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Replacing Aging Pipe Remains a Big Source for Work

With so many companies involved in natural gas distribution (P&GJ reports on more than 300 such companies, ranging in size from 6 million to a few hundred customers in the Annual 500 Report in November), this summary of ongoing infrastructure replacement projects is not an all-inclusive overview of activity.

Gas Utility Pushes Back in Court on California Energy Policy Document

Southern California Gas is asking a state court to force the revision of a document being used by the government to phase out natural gas in California.

Equitrans Confirms 2021 Startup for Mountain Valley Gas Pipeline Despite Permit Denial

Equitrans has confirmed its 2021 target in-service date for its Mountain Valley Southgate natural gas pipeline even after North Carolina authorities denied a water permit for the project.

PennEast Pipeline Receives Favorable Environmental Review from Regulators

The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved an amended construction plan for Enbridge's PennEast natural gas pipeline.

Problems Plagued U.S. CO2 Capture Project Before Shutdown - DOE Document

Mechanical problems and missed production targets, combined with the market collapse due to the coronavirus pandemic, contributed to the shutdown of a $1 billion carbon capture project in Texas earlier this year.