Russia & CIS

Gazprom Seeks Bigger Share of European Gas Market after Record Exports

Russia's Gazprom is looking to gain an even larger gas market share in Europe following record-high 2018 exports, expecting a decline in Europe's gas output combined with rising demand.

Global News

Eni’s Indonesia Gas Project may Start Up in 2021   Indonesia’s deputy energy minister said Eni aims to start output of natural gas in 2021 from its offshore Merakes project, which includes construction of subsea systems and pipelines to transport production to a floating production unit (FPU) appro..

2019 Global Pipeline Construction Outlook

The upstream sector started the new year on a cautious note following a sharp decline in oil and gas prices, but the midstream sector roared into 2019 on a wave of pipeline construction activity. The latest Pipeline & Gas Journal survey indicates 145,353 miles of pipelines were planned or under construction worldwide at the start of the year.

Bulgaria to Seek Binding Bids for TurkStream Link by Jan 16

Bulgaria's state gas network operator plans to launch a binding open season this month for a 300-mile link that would transport mainly Russian gas from the TurkStream pipeline to central Europe.

Firms Approve Pipeline to Supply Norwegian gas to Poland

Polish and Danish gas grid operators Gaz-System and Energinet agreed to finance construction of the Baltic Pipe project, a 560-mile pipeline transporting Norwegian gas to Poland via Denmark.

Bulgaria OKs Pipeline Linking Russian gas to Central Europe

Bulgaria will go ahead with construction of a $1.59 billion pipeline to Turkey that enables Gazprom to transport natural gas from the TurkStream pipeline to Europe, bypassing Ukraine to the south.

Newcomer Wins Major Gazprom Pipe Contract, to Market's Surprise

Russia's ZTZ said it has won a contract to sell half a million tons of pipes next year to Gazprom for construction of part of the Power of Siberia pipeline.

Putin, Erdogan Mark Key Phase in TurkStream Pipeline

The offshore construction phase of TurkStream natural gas pipeline between Russia and Turkey is now complete.

Finland Eyes Imports of Piped Norwegian Gas via Poland, Baltics

Finland could receive gas from Norway via a network of pipelines being planned through the Baltic countries and Poland, as part of an effort to reduce its dependency on gas imports from Russia.

Russian Gas Exports to Boom Despite US Pressure

Russia is setting records in gas pipeline exports despite U.S. pressure on Europe to reduce imports and aims to become the world’s leading liquefied gas exporter in the next decade thanks to technology it is developing at home.

Global News

Pipelaying for Ichthys LNG Project. (Photo: Inpex) Ichthys LNG Project Commences Production Japan’s Inpex Corp. marked a key milestone in late July with the start of natural gas production from its giant Ichthys Field offshore northern Australi..

Nord Stream 2 on Track Despite Sanction Risk, Operator says

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is on track to start flowing Russian gas to Germany by the end of 2019, its operator said Friday, with European investors still committed to the project despite criticism and the threat of sanctions.

2018 Midyear International Update: Pipeline Construction & Market Trends

Global energy trends and forecasts entering the second half of 2018 continue to support a generally bullish outlook for oil and gas production and infrastructure construction to meet growing demand and evolving patterns of interregional trade.

Russia Loses Bulk of WTO Challenge to EU Gas Pipeline Rules

Russia largely failed in its bid to overturn the European Union’s gas market rules in a World Trade Organization ruling published on Friday. Russia launched the dispute in 2014, claiming that the EU’s “Third Energy Package” and the EU’s energy policy overall unfairly restricted and discriminated against Russia’s gas export monopoly Gazprom.

China interested in joining TAPI pipeline project: Pakistan Official

China is exploring building a spur from Pakistan's territory once the multi-country TAPI natural gas pipeline project begins operating, a Pakistani official said.

Italy PM Non-Committal after TAP Pipeline Meeting

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Thursday met the mayor at the center of a dispute threatening to delay work on the Trans Adriatic Pipeline but made no commitment about changing the project.

Full-Scale Development of Kharasaveyskoye Gas Field to Start in 2019

Gazprom said it will begin the full-scale development of Kharasaveyskoye field in 2019, including construction of a 62-mile pipeline connecting the field's enormous gas reserves to Russia's Unified Gas Supply System.

Russia’s Gas Pipeline Network Revised

Gazprom spent $4.6 billion and built more than 17,000 miles of pipeline during 2005-2016. Here's an update on the Russian gas giant's vertically integrated business, now responsible for about 11% of global gas output

Poland Calls Russian Gas Pipeline ‘New Hybrid Weapon’

Poland’s prime minister on Monday called a planned Russian gas pipeline, Nord Stream 2, a "new hybrid weapon" and says Moscow wants to use it to undermine NATO and the European Union.

Gazprom Gets Finnish Approval on Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

Finland approved the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline through the nation’s economic zone, the Finnish government and Russian gas exporter Gazprom said.

Global News

An overview of recent global oil and gas pipeline news.

Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Moves Forward Amid US Protest

Despite objections from the U.S. government, work continues on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, which will pump up to 55 bcm of natural gas to Western Europe annually once placed in service.

Nord Stream 2 Prep Work Along German Coast Begins

Preparatory work for the section of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline off Germany's Baltic coast has commenced, the consortium behind the project said.

Germany Proposes Consortium to Protect Ukraine from Nord Stream 2 Losses

Germany has proposed setting up some sort of consortium to ensure that Ukraine retains its role as a transit country for Russian gas once the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is operational.

Gazprom Completes Sea Stretch of First TurkStream Line

Gazprom has finished the sea portion of TurkStream's first line across the Black Sea. The second line, designed to ship gas to south European countries such as Greece, Bulgaria and Italy, will be laid in the third quarter of 2018.

World News

An overview of recent worldwide oil and gas pipeline news.

World News

EIA Raises Global Oil Demand Forecast Global consumption of petroleum and other liquid fuels is expected to grow at a faster rate in 2018 than previously expected, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).   Based on EIA’s mid-January forecast revision, petroleum and other liq..

Central European Nations Oppose Russian-German Gas Pipeline

Central European Nations Oppose Russian-German Gas Pipeline | Pipeline & Gas Journal News - Pipeline Project News

Putin, Erdogan Voice Support for Gas Pipeline Project

ISTANBUL (AP) — The leaders of Russia and Turkey on Monday voiced support for the construction of a gas pipeline, a plan that was suspended amid tensions between the two countries. In separate addresses to the World Energy Congress, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish counterpart Recep Tay..

Russia Says Global Deal to Cap Oil Output is Close

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia says it is close to an international deal with OPEC countries to cap oil production, and that a final decision will be made at a meeting this month. Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela and Qatar floated an output cap last month with the aim of boosting oil prices, but it was condit..