February 2011, Vol. 238 No. 2
Contract Awards For Bonaparte LNG Project

GDF Suez Bonaparte, operator of the Bonaparte LNG project, has awarded the contracts for pre?front end engineering and design to Granherne, a wholly owned subsidiary of KBR, (upstream) and DORIS Engineering (midstream).
The awarding of the contracts is the first major milestone since GDF Suez (60%) and Santos (40%) entered into a joint venture in August 2009 to develop a floating liquefaction project in the Bonaparte Basin, in the Timor Sea, 250-km west of the northern Australian city of Darwin.
As proposed, the project will produce 2 MMt/a of LNG, using the natural gas from the Petrel, Tern and Frigate fields. The final investment decision for the project is expected in 2014, with LNG production scheduled to start in 2018.