February 2011, Vol. 238 No. 2


Studies To Test Viability Of Barents Sea Pipeline

Partners in the Snøhvit license, located in the Barents Sea, off Norway, will undertake studies of possible concepts for building a new LNG plant at Melkøya in Hammerfest.

The studies will include the construction of an export pipeline to bring gas from the offshore field to the proposed plant. The partners have conducted a feasibility study into the project and will study the technical concepts that may make further expansion economically feasible. Currently gas and condensate from the Snøhvit license is transported through a 143-km offshore pipeline to the existing 4.7 million tons per year (MMt/a) Hammerfest LNG plant.

A possible investment decision could be made by the end of 2013, and the plant can be expected to be online in 2018, at the earliest.

The partners in the Snøhvit license are: Statoil, Petoro, Total E&P Norge, GDF Suez E&P Norge, Hess Norge and RWE Dea Norge.

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