October 2012, Vol. 239 No. 10


Work Begins On Multi-Million Dollar Improvement Project

TECO Peoples Gas is set to begin an aggressive program to replace all cast-iron and bare steel distribution pipes to improve the safety, integrity and reliability of its system.

When complete, the 10-year program will replace about 150 miles of cast iron pipe and about 400 miles of bare steel pipe – which together comprise about 4% of the Peoples Gas system. The company will invest about $8 million a year in the accelerated program that will begin in January.

“This will make our secure natural gas lines even safer for Florida residents,” said Gordon Gillette, president of Peoples Gas.

Cast iron and bare steel pipes were widely installed throughout the country for distribution of natural gas until the 1970s. Current standards call for pipe made of polyethylene, a high-density plastic, or coated steel, which resists corrosion.
The Florida Public Service Commission unanimously approved the program that will cost the average residential natural gas customer about 5 cents per month in 2013.

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