January 2015, Vol. 242, No. 1
Monarch Holds Open Season For Texas-Oklahoma Crude Line

Monarch Oil Pipeline, a subsidiary of Monarch Natural Gas Holdings, is holding an open season through Jan. 30 to solicit capacity commitments from shippers for a new oil pipeline system to gather and transport crude oil from production areas in Hemphill and Lipscomb counties in Texas to Plains Pipeline’s Reydon Station in Roger Mills County, OK.
The project will consist of an upstream gathering system to transport crude oil from the production areas to the Casey Station, an operational terminal and storage facility in Lipscomb County, and an 8?inch mainline pipeline that will transport crude oil from the Casey Station to the Plains’ Reydon Station interconnect.
Monarch projects an initial capacity of 30,000 bpd of crude on both components, but would increase the pipeline capacity to meet market needs.