January 2021, Vol. 248, No. 1


Solar Plant to Directly Power Major Pipeline Compression Station

Sustainable infrastructure company Merit SI has completed development and construction of the first solar power plant in the U.S. designed to directly help power an interstate natural gas pipeline compressor station.   

Enbridge’s Lambertville Solar Project entered service in October in New Jersey. (Photo: Enbridge)
Enbridge’s Lambertville Solar Project entered service in October in New Jersey. (Photo: Enbridge)

Working with Texas Eastern Transmission, a subsidiary of Enbridge, the project will have the ability to generate 4,600 MW of zero-emission energy (more than 1750 MW net, based on equity stake).  

The 2.25-MW AC project, located in West Amwell Township, N.J., at Texas Eastern’s Lambertville Compressor Station, is estimated to reduce associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emission by 58,500 metric tons over its operating life and unburden the electric transmission grid during high demand, higher cost, summer months.  

“Powering our compressor stations in part with behind-the-meter solar helps us manage electricity costs and improve our environmental performance,” said Caitlin Tessin, director of Market Innovation at Enbridge. “Additionally, these projects bring incremental economic development into the communities we serve.”   

Merit is a sustainable energy infrastructure company and develops clean energy projects for major industrial and infrastructure operators, utility-scale solar and storage power plants, and through its wholly owned subsidiary, Merit SI Technologies.  

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