
Federal Judge Allows North Dakota to Pursue Protest Reimbursements

A federal judge ruled on Wednesday that North Dakota may pursue reimbursement from the federal government for costs the state incurred in relation to protests against the Dakota Access pipeline.

European Personnel Firms Awarded Work on Baltic Pipe Project

Three European oil and gas personnel firms have been awarded contracts to supply workers to assist construction on the EU-backed Baltic Pipe Project.

Kinder Morgan Reroutes Portion of Permian Pipeline, Reaffirms Commitment

Texas energy firm Kinder Morgan remains committed to its Permian Highway Pipeline and has agreed to reroute a short portion of the project after experiencing drilling fluid spills and notable opposition in recent months.

Indigenous Protesters Agree to Leave Peru Pipeline Station

Petroperu announced it has reached an agreement with indigenous protestors who had occupied a pipeline pumping station along one of the country's crude oil pipelines.

Gas Pipeline to China's First Major Independent LNG Terminal Complete

Work has been completed on a subsea gas pipeline connecting the country's first major privately owned terminal with a local gas grid.

Tellurian Cuts Pipelines to Reduce Phase 1 Costs at U.S. LNG Export Plant

Tellurian has announced it is cutting three pipeline projects to reduce costs for its Driftwood LNG export facility in Louisiana.

EU 'Highly Concerned' by U.S. Stance on Nord Stream Pipeline

A delegation of members within the European Union has raised concerns with the U.S. state department regarding sanctions imposed by the country on companies involved in the construction of Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Red Butte Pipe Line Announces Open Season

Red Butte Pipe Line, a subsidiary of Silver Creek Midstream, has announced an open season on a crude oil pipeline system in Wyoming.

CPP Completes Pressurized Pipeline Repair with Mechanized Welding Technology

China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering (CPP) was hired by PetroChina Southwest Pipeline Company to complete the work on the China-Myanmar Oil and Gas Pipeline, a pressurized 40-inch by 80-grade gas pipeline, using mechanized FCAW in-service welding technology.

Case Study: Starling Pipe-in-Pipe Project Copes with Stresses of S-Lay Pipelaying

The use of pipe-in-pipe systems for the thermal insulation of pipelines is well established. Since 2004, Tata Steel has been delivering systems for pipe-in-pipe projects in the North Sea, including BP Rhum and Talisman Tweedsmuir.

Nigeria’s New Pipeline Project Is Never Done Until It Is Done

The litany of ambitious and expensive energy sector projects in Nigeria that are way behind schedule, or have yet to go through preliminary development phases, is long. The 81-mile (130-km), 48-inch (1,200-mm) Obiafu-Obri Kom-Oben (OB3) gas supply pipeline is the latest example.

Supreme Court Reinstates Permit 12, Excludes Keystone XL

The U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) use of Nationwide Permit 12 but refused to let TC Energy resume construction of its Keystone XL pipeline under the fast-track permit.

Developers Cancel Long-Delayed Atlantic Coast Pipeline

The developers of the long-delayed, 600-mile (965-km) Atlantic Coast Pipeline canceled the multistate natural gas project, citing recurring litigation, permitting uncertainties and mounting costs.

Energy Transfer Vows to Keep Dakota Access Oil Flowing

Energy Transfer has vowed to fight a court order to shut down and empty the Dakota Access oil pipeline (DAPL), contending that U.S. District Judge James Boasberg overstepped his authority with the ruling.

Equitrans Confirms 2021 Startup for Mountain Valley Gas Pipeline Despite Permit Denial

Equitrans has confirmed its 2021 target in-service date for its Mountain Valley Southgate natural gas pipeline even after North Carolina authorities denied a water permit for the project.

U.S. Department of Energy Announces $33 Million for Natural Gas Pipeline Retrofitting Projects

The U.S. Department of Energy has announced over $30 million in funding to develop technology to rehabilitate aging natural gas pipelines.

PennEast Pipeline Receives Favorable Environmental Review from Regulators

The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved an amended construction plan for Enbridge's PennEast natural gas pipeline.

Nigeria Opens Pipeline, Depot Repair to Private Investors

Nigeria's state oil company NNPC is seeking bids for companies to perform repairs to its pipeline infrastructure and depots serving its oil refineries.

Judge Gives U.S. Three Weeks to Detail Dakota Access Pipeline Options

A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide options for resolving the loss of a permit for the Dakota Access oil pipeline by the end of the month.

New Jersey Utility Company Cancels Natural Gas Pipeline Project

A utility company has canceled a plan to expand a Kinder Morgan pipeline and opted instead to utilize existing infrastructure to meet its needs.

Duke Energy Takes $1.6 Billion Charge to Exit Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Duke Energy announced it has taken a $1.6 billion charge in relation to the cancellation of the Atlantic Coast natural gas pipeline.

San Mateo Midstream Announces Binding Open Season

A subsidiary of San Mateo Midstream has announced a binding open season to gauge interest for a proposed expansion project.

U.S. Senators Take Aim at German Port Over Russia Pipeline

Three U.S. Senators have threatened to impose sanctions on those involved in providing supplies to Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline project out of a small German port.

U.S. Department of Interior Approves Issuance of Permits for Alaska LNG Pipeline

The U.S. Department of the Interior has announced its decision to approve the issuance of rights-of-way permits for the Alaska LNG Pipeline Project.

TC Energy Announces $400 Million ANR Pipeline Enhancement Project

TC Energy has announced it will proceed with enhancements to its ANR natural gas pipeline transmission system.

Equitrans Confirms Early 2021 Startup for Mountain Valley Natural Gas Pipeline

Equitrans Midstream confirmed on Tuesday that the company plans to start up its Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline by early 2021.

Petroperu Resumes Pipeline Operations After Coronavirus-Related Halt

Peru's state-run energy firm Petroperu has restarted pipeline operations after being halted due to concerns over the coronavirus.

MPLX Sees $100 Million Earnings Hit if Bakken Oil Pipelines Shut

MPLX, the midstream branch of energy firm Marathon, announced it could begin losing $100 million a year if closures of two North Dakota pipelines were to take effect.

Poland Fines Gazprom $57 Million Over Nord Stream 2

Gazprom has been fined nearly $60 million by Polish energy regulators for failing to cooperate with requests regarding the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Brazil's Petrobras Forges Ahead with Midstream, Downstream Divestments

Speaking to investors on Friday, executives at Petrobras, Brazil's state-run oil firm, said the company is moving forward with the IPO of its gas pipeline assets and expects to conclude a deal for its RLAM refinery in the near future.