April 2016, Vol. 243, No. 4
PLCA Draws 600 Delegates to 68th Annual Convention

Frank O. Welch, president of Rockford Corporation, presided over the Pipe Line Contractors Association’s 68th Annual Convention recently at the group’s recent annual meeting at the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale in Arizona.
New officers elected for 2016 included Bernie Bermack of Pe Ben USA, Inc., president; Robert A. Reiss, Sr., Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Co., as 1st vice president; Robert C. Osborn, Michels Corporation, 2nd vice president and Jimmy L. Crotts, Appalachian Pipeline Contractors LLP as treasurer.
Directors serving for 2016 are Christopher T. Leines, Minnesota Limited, LLC and Kelly Osborn, U.S. Pipeline, Inc.; Brian Ganske, Snelson Companies, Inc.; Dwayne Osadchuk, Oz Directional Drilling; Steven R. Rooney, Precision Pipeline, LLC; Ronnie Wise, Price Gregory International, Inc.; Jim Summers, Associated Pipe Line Contractors, Inc.; John Allen, Pipe Line Constructors, LLC and Frank O. Welch, Rockford Corporation.
PLCA’s 69th annual convention will return to the Hyatt Regency in Scottsdale from Feb. 14-18, 2017.