Natural Gas

Edge Computing Optimizes Pipeline Management

For midstream oil and gas companies, edge-computing platforms create opportunities that resolve long-standing problems and effectively enable real-time data in asset management and decision-making,

Gas Industry Highlighting Its Own ‘Greener’ Alternatives

A growing recognition is seeping out of the industry that the dump-fossil-fuels campaign isn’t going away, and oil and gas operators must take responsibility for their carbon footprints. From global majors to local gas distribution companies (LDC), the oil patch is thinking a lot more about alternative energy and renewables.

Canada Looks to Future Beyond Keystone XL, COVID-19

With production curtailments lifted and a post-COVID-19 upturn in sight, Canadian oil production is on the rise, prompting concerns that output from Alberta’s oil sands could again exceed takeaway capacity within a few years, even if current pipeline construction is completed.

Petrobras Natural Gas Hikes Enduring Even as Shares Dip

Petroleo Brasileiro SA is unlikely to be able to back away from a 39% hike in natural gas prices slammed by Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro, sources close to the company said, pointing to the durability of existing contracts with distributors.

Archaea Energy, Aria Energy Combine to Form RNG Development, Advancement Company

The business combination with Archaea and Aria, one of the largest companies in the North American landfill gas (LFG) sector, will create a significant U.S. RNG platform.

Britain Will Have Enough Gas, Electricity This Summer, Says National Grid

The volume of LNG delivered to Britain is expected to be lower than the previous two summers at 5.7 bcm because of competing markets, but pipeline flows from Norway will be higher this summer.

Canadian Pipeline Companies See Natgas Opportunities in Shift to Green Energy

Natural gas and liquids will continue to play a prominent role in the energy economy for decades to come, one executive said, even as a transition to cleaner energy evolves.

Midcoast Energy Completes CJ Express Pipeline Expansion

Texas-based Midcoast Energy completed its CJ Express pipeline expansion project, and it is now in service, the subsidiary announced.

Construction of Cuxtal Gas Pipeline to Boost Yucatan Economy

The start-up of the Cuxtal 1 gas pipeline represents a key infrastructure project aimed at satisfying the demand for energy in this region of Mexico, which is currently growing at twice the national average: 4.1% versus 2.6%.

German Gas Grids Report Progress with Investment Plans, Pipeline Expansions

German gas pipeline companies have completed 28 out of 201 measures planned between 2020 and 2030, keeping them on track to provide capacity expansions and conversions for increased imports this decade.

Investors Renew Push for EU Methane Emissions Standard on Gas

A group representing European investors managing 36 trillion euros ($42.3 trillion) in assets renewed pressure on the European Commission to introduce mandatory methane emissions standards for natural gas.

Industry Group Says Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Misses Opportunity for Pipelines

U.S. President Joe Biden plans to pay for his $2 trillion infrastructure plan with higher corporate taxes, which is facing criticism from Republicans and industry support groups including the American Petroleum Institute who say it will kill jobs.

Certarus, RNG Moovers Agree on Delivery of Renewable Natural Gas

Certarus will be responsible for the delivery of renewable natural gas (RNG) from several dairy farms in California to gas pipeline injection points, where it will help to meet the growing demand for lower carbon intensity fuel.

Perspective: Australia's Natural Gas Industry Should Worry About Demand, Not Supply

Australia, the world's largest exporter of liquefied natural gas, is facing a dilemma when it comes to domestic demand for the fuel, as the government's plans for a gas-fired economic recovery run into some confronting realities.

INEOS Energy to Sell Norwegian Oil and Gas Business to PGNiG for $615 million

INEOS Energy has agreed to sell its Norwegian oil and gas business to Poland's PGNiG Upstream Norway AS for $615 million.

Top U.S. Gas Utility Sets Net Zero Emissions Goal for 2045

Southern California Gas Co, the largest U.S. gas distribution utility, set a target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, aligning with the state's target to become carbon-neutral within 25 years.

Lucid Energy Commissions Cryogenic Processing Plant in the Delaware Basin

The Red Hills V plant has the capacity to process 230 million cubic feet of natural gas per day (MMcf/d) and brings the total capacity of Lucid’s natural gas processing franchise in the northern Delaware Basin to 1.2 billion cubic feet per day.

White House Climate Czar and Big Oil Meet, Talk Cooperation

Representatives from the oil and gas industry and national climate adviser Gina McCarthy struck a cooperative tone following a meeting where the two sides discussed how companies can align with the Biden administration's ambitious climate goals.

Venezuela Gas Pipeline Tract Explosion Blamed on Attack

A tract of a gas pipeline in eastern Venezuela suffered an explosion on Saturday afternoon, according to a report from state oil company PDVSA seen by Reuters, an incident the country’s oil minister blamed on an attack.

U.S. Drillers Add Most Oil & Gas Rigs in a Week Since January

U.S. energy firms added the most oil and natural gas rigs in a week since January even as oil prices this week pulled back from a recent 28-month high.

NYC Natural Gas Ban Costs Potentially ‘Astronomical’

A New York City ban on natural gas connections in new buildings by 2030 and announced policies to ban natural gas and other fossil fuels in large buildings by 2040 could cost New York City households upwards of $25,000, a study shows.

Peru's Ultra-Conservative Candidate Could Kick Out Odebrecht

Peru's Rafael López Aliaga, an ultra-conservative member of Opus Dei, has a serious shot at becoming the Andean country's next president.

Ameren Modernizing Natural Gas Pipelines in Illinois

Crews will replace vintage steel transmission pipeline from the 1950s around Belleville with new, 16-inch steel pipeline.

Brazil Hopes to Attract Natural Gas Investors with New Law

Under the bill, companies interested in building gas pipelines will need a simple authorization rather than a more complex concession contract.

Perspective: U.S. Gas Stocks and Prices Normalize After Cold Snap

U.S. gas prices have fallen to levels that prevailed before severe winter weather hit Texas in mid-February, confirming the big freeze is not expected to create a lasting shortfall later in the year.

Analysis: Germany Bets U.S. Will Make the Best of 'Bad Deal' Nord Stream Gas Link

Germany is betting the U.S. administration will take a pragmatic approach to the Nord Stream 2 project to ship Russian gas to Europe and is pushing for the pipeline’s completion in defiance of U.S. opposition.

Thai Energy Firm PTTEP Expanding Midstream Investments

Thai oil and gas giant PTT Exploration and Production Pcl on Tuesday said it plans to expand midstream investments to have new businesses account for 20% of its profits by 2030, with a focus on gas-to-power.

Natural Gas Pipeline Projects Increase U.S. Transportation Capacity

From November 2020 through January 2021, approximately 4.4 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of new natural gas pipeline capacity entered service, EIA reported.

Perspective: China’s Gas Conundrum – Cleaner Air but Growing Security Risk

China has made significant progress building a gas distribution network to supply residents in major urban centers, helping provide cleaner and more convenient energy for heating and cooking while reducing air pollution.

Brookfield Stays Committed to Hostile Inter Pipeline Takeover

Brookfield Infrastructure Partners said it is committed to its C$7.1 billion ($5.65 billion) hostile takeover offer for Inter Pipeline Ltd despite the pipeline company's board turning down the bid.