
Construction Labor Needs In Booming Oil, Gas Market

The burden on labor capacity in oil and gas construction markets worldwide is becoming increasingly well-known. These strains affect projected project costs, and several large capital projects have already been delayed or canceled (see Shell’s Louisiana GTL plant as an example) as a result of rising costs and questionable long-term profitability projections.

$1.12 Billion Gas Pipeline To Link Mexico And Guatemala

Mexican state oil company PEMEX and Guatemala are planning a $1.2 billion, 370-mile gas pipeline linking the two countries and giving local manufacturers access to cheaper energy, according to a Reuters report.

Magellan Extends Open Season For Refined Products Line

Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. renewed the open season to solicit capacity commitments from shippers to transport refined petroleum products to Little Rock, AR until Jan. 16, 2014.

Craig Meier Looks Forward To INGAA Foundations Challenges

In today’s bustling pipeline industry, what could be better than having someone with expertise and long-standing relationships with both operators and contractors as head of a major industry organization?

Energy Underpins Russia-Ukraine Standoff

International tension resulting from Russia’s occupation of Crimea, territory universally recognized as belonging to Ukraine, has many facets, but Russia’s dominance of the energy market in Europe and Ukraine informs the dynamic.

Southcross Energy Begins Construction Of Eagle Ford Pipeline

Southcross Energy Partners, L.P. has begun construction of a 94-mile, 24-inch pipeline in the rich gas area of the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas.

North Dakota Gas Flaring is Creating Firestorm of Controversy

Recently filed class-action lawsuits by North Dakota landowners have brought renewed attention to the controversial practice of gas flaring in that state. In their suits, the landowners claim that major producers in the region, including Continental Resources, XTO and Marathon are costing those owners their share of royalties on as much as $100 million per month of value in natural gas that has gone up in flames in order to keep oil production flowing.

Industry Associations Asks Help With Oil Spill Surveillance

The global oil and gas industry needs better ways to plan for oil spill surveillance, and it’s looking to the airborne remote sensing and commercial satellite industries for help.

Kinder Morgan, Targa Resources Form Texas JV

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP) LP and Targa Resources Partners LP have signed a letter of intent to form a joint venture to construct natural gas liquids (NGL) fractionation facilities at Mont Belvieu, TX, to provide services for producers in the Utica and Marcellus shale resource plays in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Economist Foresees Move Away From Shale Investment

A leading energy economist expects the shale boom to retreat somewhat amid weak returns on capital investments that are already causing investors to turn their attention offshore where “risks are more understood.”

INGAA Foundation To Update 2035 Outlook At Pipeline Opportunities Conference

HOUSTON, TX, Feb. 25, 2014…The INGAA Foundation will present an important new study on pipeline investment and the economic impact of that investment on March 25 at the Pipeline Opportunities Conference in Houston. The study will update investment projections for natural gas, natural gas liquid and oil midstream investment through 2035, and it provides data on the economic impacts, including jobs impacts, of that projected investment.

Letter to P&GJ: Wide Open Opportunities

Your article "<a href="http://pipelineandgasjournal.com/help-wanted-osu-campus-develops-pipeline-integrity-degree-industry-partnerships">Help Wanted? OSU Campus Develops Pipeline Integrity Degree, Industry Partnerships</a>" was very interesting and timely. There is a great need for a college degree program focused on pipeline integrity, as you know. When I read the part "Even for an interested and informed newcomer, the path toward a stable career is unclear," it struck a chord with me and hence, this email to you.

Court Rejects BPs Gulf Spill Settlement Appeal

One of BP’s attempts to curb pay outs for what it says are “fictitious” and “absurd” claims related to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill has failed after an appeal was rejected by a U.S. court, according to Reuters.

Obama to act on Keystone in next couple of months

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama told U.S. state governors at a White House meeting Monday that he expects to decide on the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada in the next couple of months, two Republican governors said.

Growth In Domestic Crude, Natural Gas Expected To Continue For Many Years

The U.S. Energy Information Administration's Annual Energy Outlook 2014 Reference case shows that recent growth in domestic crude oil and natural gas production is expected to continue for many years.

SEC Energy Expansion: Compression Growing With Energy Sector

As Houston-based SEC Energy Products & Services puts the finishing touches on a flurry of expansion activities that will double both its natural gas compression manufacturing and workforce in 2014, new President Tommy Stone sees the effort in fairly simple terms.

Compressor Installation For South Stream Pipeline

Installation of the first gas compressor unit (GCU) was carried out late last year at the Russkaya compressor station (CS) in the Krasnodar Territory in Russia’s southernmost region. The station will ensure gas transmission via the South Stream gas pipeline. The station will ultimately be equipped with 14 similar compressor units having an aggregate capacity of 448 MW.

Eagle Ford Shale Will Continue To Contribute Significantly Toward Crude Oil Production

Production from the Eagle Ford Shale – an unconventional resource play – will continue to grow in 2014, fueling a reduction in net crude imports and driving exports of refined products in the U.S. to pre-1990 levels, says a report from research and consulting firm GlobalData.

Shah Deniz Final Investment Decision Paves Way For Southern Corridor Gas Link With Europe

The Shah Deniz consortium announced the final investment decision for the Stage 2 development of the Shah Deniz gas field in the Caspian Sea, offshore Azerbaijan. This decision triggers plans to expand the South Caucasus Pipeline through Azerbaijan and Georgia, to construct the Trans Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP) across Turkey and to construct the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) across Greece, Albania and into Italy. Together these projects, as well as gas transmission infrastructure to Bulgaria, will create a new Southern Gas Corridor to Europe.

STX Heavy Industries To Build 550-Km Pipeline In Iraq

According to news reports, South Korea’s STX Heavy Industries Co. has won a $471.5 million contract to build a 550-km pipeline for the Akkas gas field in northwestern Iraq.

EIA: Pennsylvania Dubbed Fastest-Growing Gas Producing State

From 2011 to 2012, Pennsylvania's marketed natural gas (which includes natural gas liquids) production grew by 72%, moving it from the seventh-largest to the third-largest marketed gas-producing state in the U.S., according to the Natural Gas Annual, 2012.

Train accidents stir worries about crude transport

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — At least 10 times since 2008, freight trains hauling oil across North America have derailed and spilled significant quantities of crude, with most of the accidents touching off fires or catastrophic explosions.

Energy Turning Ghost Towns To Boom Towns

During my annual hunting pilgrimage back home to northwestern North Dakota last fall, I was struck by the differing opinions about how the recent oil development activity has affected families and communities.

Feds: Oil from Dakota fields improperly classified

WASHINGTON (AP) — Government investigators have found crude oil being transported from North Dakota's Bakken region was misclassified in samples taken from 11 out of 18 truck shipments en route to rail loading stations, federal transportation officials said Tuesday.

Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion

Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC, operated by Kinder Morgan Canada and owned by Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P., has filed an application with Canada’s National Energy Board for authorization to build and operate the necessary facilities for the company’s proposed Trans Mountain expansion project.

Overview Of U.S. Oil, Gas Construction Boom

In 2008, about 60% of the crude oil produced in the United States came from one of three places: the Gulf of Mexico, Texas and Alaska. Domestic production was on the decline, having decreased about 2% annually on average since 1970. Imports from foreign nations filled the gap, bringing with them significant political and economic implications for the country.

Marathon To Build $140 Million Cornerstone Pipeline

Marathon Petroleum Corp. plans to spend $140 million to build the Cornerstone Pipeline that will connect its refinery in Canton, OH to an oil and natural gas processing facility in the Utica Shale.

Tourmaline Pipeline Team Uncovers Gigantic Dinosaur Fossil In Alberta

On Oct. 1, a crew working for Tourmaline Oil Corp. was clearing the right-of-way for a new pipeline near Spirit River, Alberta, Canada when they cracked open a rock that revealed the massive fossil of a dinosaur tailbone.

Shell Completes Phase 2 Of Ho-Ho Pipeline

Late last year, Shell completed Phase 2 of its project to reverse the flow direction of the Houma-to-Houston (Ho-Ho) pipeline. The system provides Gulf Coast refineries pipeline access to additional sources of the growing crude production from the inland oil plays in the Eagle Ford, Bakken and other shale regions.

Simple, Reliable Melting Point Standards Useful In Temperature-Measuring Applications Necessary For Welding

The materials used in fabricating offshore and onshore jackets, rigs and platforms for the oil and gas industry vary from regular mild steel to high-alloy, high-strength steels. The pipelines carrying oil and gas also consist of high-strength, high-alloy steels.