
50 Years In The Family: CECO Celebrates A Half-Century Of Success

It was 1964, and Ernest Hotze, a mechanical engineer who put himself through Oklahoma University working in oilfields, was trying to sell Tennessee Gas Pipeline some large compressors. Hotze worked for Clark Brothers, one of four big compressor manufacturers, and the business was very different from its modern incarnation.

Oil Boom In North Dakota: Putting On A Happy Face

As part of a record-setting industry meeting in May at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference in North Dakota, Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple offered a keynote speech with one superlative after another about his sparsely populated, but energy- and agriculture-rich state. It seems his state is leading the nation in a number of categories these days, including having the happiest residents.

Pipeline Planned To Connect Marcellus And Utica Shale Supplies To Multiple Markets

Energy Transfer, through subsidiary ET Rover Pipeline LLC, conducted an open season which ran through July 25 to solicit additional binding Precedent Agreements for firm transportation service on a new interstate natural gas pipeline system designed to provide access for rapidly growing Marcellus and Utica shale natural gas production to growing markets.

Erciyas Steel Pipe Helps Set Global Standard

You often find in the energy business those destined to leave their mark in the industry share two important components: an entrepreneurial spirt and vision. Line pipe producer Ahmet Erciyas is one of them. He could foresee that with its strategic geographic location that literally connects Asia and Europe, his homeland of Turkey would also be one of the global epicenters for energy development and transmisson.

Republic Midstream To Build Facilities To Serve Eagle Ford Shale

ArcLight Capital Partners, LLC announced that Republic Midstream, LLC, a newly formed portfolio company, executed agreements with Penn Virginia Corporation to construct and operate a crude oil gathering system, a central delivery terminal complex and an intermediate takeaway pipeline to serve Penn Virginia's prolific acreage position in the Eagle Ford Shale. The long-term, fee-based transportation agreements with Penn Virginia are supported by minimum volume commitments and a dedication of acreage covering the areas served by the gathering system.

Landowners want details of proposed Energy Transfer pipeline route through Iowa

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (AP) — Iowa landowners want to see the details of a proposed oil pipeline that would carry crude oil from North Dakota across the state to Illinois. Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners has said the 1,100-mile Dakota Access pipeline would likely go through 17 Iowa counties as it crosses from the northwest corner of the state to the southeast corner. The oil's final destination would be in Patoka, Illinois, about 70 miles east of St. Louis. [inline:Energy TransferDAPL_AllStates_Counties_Page_1.jpg]

Williams/Transcos Garden State Expansion Project

Williams Partners L.P. and its wholly owned subsidiary Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC announced a fully contracted expansion project designed to deliver 180,000 Dth/d of additional natural gas capacity for local distribution along the Eastern Seaboard.

Gas Gathering, Growth Projects Driving ONEOK Investments

In recent weeks, ONEOK Partners has announced multimillion-dollar investment plans in both North Dakota and Oklahoma for natural gas gathering, processing and growth projects related to resource development.

Mexicos Energy Reform: Ending The Inertia

A key aspect in understanding the troubles of Mexico's oil and gas sector is the federal government’s high budget dependence on the revenues of the National Oil Company (NOC) Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

Curtailment: It Can Happen To You

It’s no secret that last winter was one of the worst on record for the United States. The natural gas industry may have been hit the hardest, with prices rising due to the high level of demand that comes along with below zero temperatures and diminishing supply.

Integrys Replacing Aging Chicago Distribution System

With about 2,000 miles of cast iron mains to replace within its Peoples Gas distribution system, Integrys Energy Group would be facing a huge job, even in the friendliest of environments.

Why Manufacturers Oppose Unfettered LNG Exports

The Ukraine-Russia crisis has Congress rushing to consider monumental changes to accelerate exports of LNG that will permanently and negatively affect the U.S. natural gas market, due to high OPEC cartel crude oil-linked LNG prices, driving export demand.

Workplace Air Quality In Welding, Fabrication Environment

Welding and fabrication generate lots of heat, dust and fumes that carry hazardous substances. If air quality is not controlled, these often carcinogenic and toxic substances can lead to serious illness. Obviously, suitable systems to air quality at acceptable levels are needed.

Chinese Pipeline Damaged, 20,000 Evacuated

A leaking oil pipeline caught fire in the northeastern Chinese port city of Dalian on July 1, forcing the evacuation of nearly 20,000 residents. According to press reports, the pipeline was damaged by construction work, allowing oil to flow into a sewage pipe, and catch fire. No deaths or injuries were reported. However, China National Petroleum Corp. reported 20,000 nearby residents had to be evacuated.

Instability In Iraq: Effect On Production, Infrastructure

Iraq has a long and varied history of oil exploration and development, and its proven reserve base is largely unmatched outside of the Middle East. However, regional conflicts throughout history have disrupted exploration drilling and resulted in extensive damage and neglect to infrastructure, ensuring current oil production is considerably lower than its potential.

Editor's Notebook: North Dakota Making News

I’ve never been to North Dakota; in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone from that state. Now, one of the great oil discoveries of recent years, the immense Bakken Shale, has put the upper Plains state on the map for all to see.

Oil Prices Rise As World Walks Supply-Demand Tightrope

The world is walking a tightrope of oil supply and demand. Today, supply exceeds demand by a very small amount. This difference is small enough that a major disruption in supply can further tip the balance in the direction of demand.

Pipeline Fever In Mexico

Both Pemex and CFE are promoting new pipeline projects at a fast pace in advance of the most significant energy reform in Mexico in a half-century. The projects are to follow the old rules of government procurement: these state-owned enterprises (SEO) offer the credit rating of the Mexican government to serve as a bankable, long-term service agreement.

Pipeline & Gas Journals 2014 International Construction Report

<em>P&GJ</em>’s 2014 international pipeline survey indicates 65,746 miles of pipeline are in various stages of construction or planned. Of these, 33,801 miles account for projects in the planning and engineering phase, while 31,945 miles are in various stages of construction.

Pipeline Planned To Connect Marcellus/Utica Gas Supply To Southeast

EQT Corp. and NextEra US Gas Assets, held a non-binding open season for the Mountain Valley Pipeline project which would connect Marcellus and Utica natural gas supply to markets in the Southeast. The companies signed a letter of intent to form a joint venture to construct and own the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

Sharing Challenges In The Eagle Ford Shale

Like most stories about Texas, the one that’s being written in the Eagle Ford shale is full of big dreams, big dollars, and big results. The play itself is huge, covering an area of 20,000 square miles, it spans 25 south-central Texas counties and is roughly the size of Croatia. Capital expenditures there by energy companies are sky-high, reaching $28 billion through the end of 2013, if predictions by global consultants Wood Mackenzie held true.

Russia-China Natural Gas Pipeline Agreement

The conclusion of a decade-long negotiation between Russia and China was announced May 21 during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Shanghai. The $400 billion natural gas supply contract between Russia’s Gazprom and China’s National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) entails 38 billion cubic meters (Bcm) or 1.34 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of Russian gas supply annually to China for 30 years via a new pipeline.

Shale Boom: Early 21st Century Industrial Growth Engine

“…the United States has become ‘a job magnet’ for manufacturing, which is really the first time in decades this has happened...” --Former U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar

TAP Makes Progress On Pre-Qualifying Construction Suppliers

Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) is continuing pre-qualification of potential suppliers for the construction of the 540-mile-long high pressure natural gas pipeline across Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea, with landfall in Southern Italy.

Douglas-Westwoods Outlook For UK And Norwegian North Sea Production

According to a Douglas-Westwood report, Western Europe will continue to rely on imported Russian gas into the 2020s as mature offshore provinces struggle for growth, while large-scale shale gas extraction looks increasingly unlikely in the medium term. Following Moscow’s intervention in Ukraine and the resulting strained diplomatic ties with the West, it is unclear if North Sea production can support any drop in gas flow from Russia.

WorleyParsons Wins EPCM Contract For Trans Anatolian Gas Pipeline

Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Co. (TANAP) awarded WorleyParsons a five-year contract for the engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) services for the 1,841-km Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project, which has an estimated total cost of US$11.7 billion.

Survey Shows North Carolina Voters Support Offshore Energy Development

UPI reported strong bipartisan majorities of registered North Carolina voters support increased production of U.S. oil and natural gas, citing a poll by the North Carolina Petroleum Council.

Opponents petition against Vermont Gas pipeline

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — About 40 protesters converged Tuesday outside Vermont Public Service Board offices to demand a halt to the natural gas pipeline expansion in western Vermont. The company this month increased the estimated cost of the first phase of the project by 40 percent, to more than $121 million, citing the cost of route changes to accommodate landowners.

North American Production Still Accelerating, ICF Says

An ICF report determined shipping oil overseas would spur the U.S. economy, lowering gasoline prices in the process.

Atlas Copco Supplies Variable-Speed Compression At Biogas Plant

German biogas supply plant builder Streicher Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG has installed two Atlas Copco GG 90 compressors with variable-speed drive (VSD) at a plant in Geislingen. The two units, which have been especially designed for the biogas market, are used to compress the gas to 14 bar for distribution into the medium-pressure network of the local energy supply network.