
Huntingdon Fusion Techniques

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques (HFT) introduced peripheral sealing plugs for heavy-duty applications, such as immersion in chemicals or exposure to high temperatures. Pipe stopper sealing plugs are manufactured to suit pipe ends or orifices having a 17-inch (432 mm) diameter, extending to 96 inches (2..


High Pressure Equipment Company (HiP), a subsidiary of Graco, added 3/8- and 9/16-inch O.D. valves and fittings to its ultra-high pressure family, designed to ensure safe and easy plumbing for pressures up to 100,000 psi. The new sizes of valves are available in four body styles – two-way straight, ..


Trimble offers a new wearable hard hat-compatible device that enables workers to access holographic information on the worksite – the Trimble XR10 with HoloLens 2. In addition, an expanded set of Trimble software and services will be available to provide field-oriented workflows that leverage constr..


Software and hardware systems can be costly to install on a broad scale, but Osprey, designed and built by Abriox, is helping utilities supplement surveillance at multiple locations by monitoring, gathering and processing real-time data, economically. Osprey allows users to see daily compilations of..

Technical Toolboxes

Technical Toolboxes released Version 19.0 of its The Pipeline Toolbox. The device features a range of improved calculations and applications, along with an embedded new license manager that strengthens security and enables better visibility. With its more than 230 pipeline-specific oil and gas appli..


Mehrer Compression GmbH introduced a high-pressure compressor, the TRx 400. The air-cooled piston compressor offers a solution for applications that require high final pressures of up to 200 bar, combined with high suction pressures of up to 35 bar. The TRx 400 is suited for the compression of H2, N..

Tellurian Holds Open Season for Permian Global Access Pipeline

Tellurian subsidiary Permian Global Access Pipeline is conducting a binding open season to secure prospective shippers for its proposed Permian Global Access Pipeline (PGAP) project. PGAP is a proposed 42-inch interstate natural gas pipeline originating at the Waha Hub in Pecos County, Texas, and t..

Lebanon Warns Against Using Disputed Territory for East Med Pipeline

Lebanon warned its Mediterranean neighbors that a planned East Med gas pipeline from Israel to the European Union must not be allowed to violate its maritime borders. Beirut has an unresolved maritime border dispute with Israel,  which it regards as an enem..

Argentina Plans Vaca Muerta Production Boost, Pipeline Buildout

Argentina’s energy minister reiterated his country’s commitment to build infrastructure and boost output of natural gas, citing plans for a new 22 MMcm/d pipeline from the Vaca Muerta shale producing region to Buenos Aires. Minister Gustavo Lopetegui said at a Houston news conference that Argentina..

Denmark Asks Nord Stream 2 to Assess 3rd Option for Pipeline

The Danish Energy Agency has requested an environmental assessment of a third route option for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in Danish waters, a move that could delay the project to pump Russian gas to Europe. The 765-mile (1,225-km) pipeline, now under construction, has come under fire from the U..

Consortiums Bid to Build $1.6 Billion Gas Pipeline in Bulgaria

Three consortiums have submitted bids in a 1.4 billion euro ($1.6 billion) tender to build a pipeline to carry Russian natural gas across Bulgaria, state-owned network operator Bulgartransgaz said. The consortiums include companies from Italy, Hungary and Saudi Arabia, it said. The pipeline could b..

Moda Decision Could Ease Stress of 3 New Pipelines

Moda Midstream is considering building a second berth at its Ingleside, Texas, crude export terminal to accommodate supertankers, the company’s chief executive said. The expansion to the terminal that loads oil tankers will come as three major pipelines open in the second half of this year, CEO Bo ..

Trump Signs New Permission for Keystone XL Pipeline

U.S. President Donald Trump signed a new permission for TransCanada Corp to build the Keystone pipeline for imports of Canadian oil, replacing his previous permits in an effort side step the blocking of the project by a Montana court. In issuing the executi..

Local Sewer Grants Targeted for Big, Speculative Increase

Stephen Barlas, Contributing Editor, Washington, D.C.  There seems to be a pretty good chance that Congress will pass a reauthorization of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) this Congress given strong bi-partisan support for the Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of 2019 (H.R. ..

Congress Begins to Consider Changes to Pipeline Safety Law

Stephen Barlas, Contributing Editor, Washington, D.C. Congress had its first hearings in April in both the House and Senate on reauthorization of the Pipeline Safety Act, which loses its current authority Sept. 30, 2019.  There will perhaps be some new safety requirements passed given that both De..

Petrobras Sells Pipeline Unit to Engie for $8.6 Billion

A consortium led by France’s Engie SA submitted the highest offer for a major gas pipeline unit owned by Brazil’s Petroleo Brasileiro SA, the state-run oil firm said in April, as the company’s biggest divestment draws to a close. In a filing, Petrobras said the Engie consortium, which includes Cana..

UK Oil and Gas Authority Releases Data on Over 3,000 Pipelines

The United Kingdom Oil and Gas National Data Repository (NDR) has been launched with more than 130 terabytes of data covering thousands of pipelines, offshore wellbores, and seismic surveys going back more than 50 years.  The repository comes from the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA), which hopes the re..

TechnipFMC Awarded Johan Sverdrup Subsea Contract

TechnipFMC was awarded a significant subsea contract by Equinor for the Johan Sverdrup Phase 2 development, located in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea at a water depth of 120 meters. The $75–250 million contract covers the delivery and installation of the subsea production system including in..

Mass. Budgets Statewide Review of Natural Gas Systems

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker signed a spending bill that funds a statewide examination of Massachusetts’ natural gas distribution system, a review that was ordered after last September’s gas explosions near Boston that killed one person, injured 25 others and damaged or destroyed dozens of build..

Con Edison Halts Gas Hookups, Citing Interstate Pipeline Constraints

Consolidated Edison imposed a moratorium on new natural gas service in parts of New York’s Westchester County despite a $250 million state plan to reduce energy usage, to avoid compromising system reliability due to limited pipeline capacity into the region. Several companies tried for years to bui..

ACLU Challenges South Dakota Pipeline Protest Legislation

The American Civil Liberties Union is challenging a new law signed by South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem aimed at potential protests against the planned Keystone XL oil pipeline. The Republican governor’s bills require pipeline companies to chip in on protest-related expenses and create a way to pursue..

ExxonMobil Raises Permian Target by 1 Million Barrels Daily

ExxonMobil has revised its Permian Basin growth plans to produce more than 1 MMboe/d by as early as 2024 – an increase that is driving significant pipeline and infrastructure development. The Irving, Texas-based oil giant’s new target represents a significant boost in size and speed over plans set ..

Project Delays Sink Oil Sands Output in 2019

Canadian Oil Sands production in 2019 will be almost 230,000 bpd lower than last year, according to ESAI Energy’s recently published North America Watch.   Planned Canadian Oil Sands projects are being pushed back in response to further delays in pipeline egress and the mandated output cuts by the ..

United States Was Net Gas Exporter Over 12 Consecutive Months

According to EIA’s most recent publication of the Natural Gas Monthly, U.S. net natural gas exports in January 2019 totaled 2.3 Bcf/d, marking 12 consecutive months in which U.S. natural gas exports exceeded U.S. imports.  Preliminary data from PointLogic E..

POC Shifts Back Toward Pipeline Industry Basics

By Pipeline & Gas Journal The panel on transporting LNG in the U.S., featuring Andrew Biar, president of Strategic Public Affairs; Kevin Ewing, partner at Bracewell; Guy Nicholls, director of Maritime Operations at Cheniere; Lance Goodwin, vice presid..

Interstate Pipeline Companies: Condemning the State in Federal Court

By Richard G. Scott, Attorney, Rutter & Roy, LLP In New Jersey, it is almost impossible for an interstate pipeline company to build a significant pipeline project without crossing state-owned land or land in which the state holds some form of interest. Sev..

Hard Rock Completes Rio Grande Directional Drill

By Jeff Griffin, Freelance Energy Writer Every long horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installation has something that sets it apart from other projects, but not many involve crossing international boundaries. The site where a steel gas line was i..

TANAP’s Seismic Fault Crossing Posed Challenges For Welding

The Trans Anatolia Natural Gas Pipeline transports Azeri gas from the Shah Deniz field through Turkey and Europe. Construction of the technically challenging project was complicated by the North Anatolian Fault.

Opinion: Sub-Standard Pipe Torpedoing Basin Projects

By: Tony Radoszewski, President, The Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. The boom is on in the basin and other areas. That’s the good news. The bad news is that this year, sub-standard plastic pipe has been found in the oil and gas gathering operations of the Permian and Delaware basins in Texas and New..

Delayed Bahia Pipeline Underway in Brazil

By Mauro Nogarin, Contributing Editor After five years of waiting, the state of Bahia began building the first section of the Gas Southwest pipeline, which will be one of the largest pipelines in the interior of Brazil. Most of the natural gas distribution network of 5,840 miles (9,400 km), is loca..