
Future Role Of Natural Gas And Shale Revolution Dominate At P&GJs 2010 Pipeline Opportunities Conference

<em>Pipeline & Gas Journal</em>, in partnership with the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), presented its sixth annual Pipeline Opportunities Conference on March 31 in Houston. Jeff Share, conference founder and organizer, said the single-day event drew more than 500 attendees at the George R. Brown Convention Center for the third consecutive year, attesting to the intense interest in the pipeline industry.

Gas Revolution No. 2: Canadian Shale

Some of the world’s largest oil companies are reinforcing analyst claims that Canada’s Horn River and Montney shale and tight gas formations have the potential to revolutionize that country’s gas future. A glut may be in the offing, but investors appear confident that gas will push aside coal in the U.S. power sector. Plans are even afoot that would see Canada join the ranks of the world’s LNG exporters.

Gas Pipeline Construction Relied Heavily On HDD To Minimize Environmental Impacts

The recently completed Line 108 Replacement Project, an 11 mile long natural gas pipeline for Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) in northern California, featured the use of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) for portions of the pipeline installation beneath two rivers and two extremely sensitive natural areas.

From Drake To The Marcellus Shale Gas Play-- Midstream Developments

The major drivers of midstream infrastructure buildout are learning to read the Marcellus. Just what makes it different aside from its scale? Recognizing the indigenous challenges that are unique to this play and developing the solutions to overcome them are going to be paramount.

Enbridge To Build NGL Pipeline In Pennsylvania

Enbridge Inc. intends to develop a NGL pipeline from the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and West Virginia to markets in the midwestern United States.

Why Over-Conservatism In Line Pipe Specifications Should Be Challenged

Modern line pipe design is a complex business; the various demands of corrosion management, fatigue resistance, deepwater collapse and any other failure modes can place a lot on the robustness of that design. The final details of the design make certain assumptions about the steel pipe that is going to be used to make the pipeline.

Technology Makes Gas Available But Brings New Problems As Well

Score another victory for technology! U.S. natural gas supplies have the potential of increasing by 20-40% because of advances in two major oil and gas field technologies. Increased abilities to do horizontal drilling and better ways to open shale gas formations - “fracing” – is resulting in new supplies of this major U.S. fuel.

Welcome To Pittsburgh, Natural Gas Hub of The Northeast

Murry S. Gerber has a vision for the natural gas industry and this country, one that includes the pipeline sector. In fact, if Gerber’s vision became reality, we would have the pipeline project to end all pipeline projects. Gerber is executive chairman of EQT Corporation, a 120-year-old Pittsburgh-based company that traces its history back to the drilling of the first natural gas well by George Westinghouse in 1888.

Americas Gas Shale Market Forces Gazprom To Rethink Strategy

Russian gas giant Gazprom is expecting European gas demand to rebound this year, but is rethinking its ambitious gas export plans to the United States amid the ongoing shale gas "revolution" in that country.

Study Finds Nations Natural Gas Supply Will Last Well Into Next Century

The American Gas Association’s recently released analysis on the nation’s natural gas supply details the robust supply picture and quells any doubts about the ability of natural gas to supply the country well into the next century. The analysis, <em>U.S. Natural Gas Supply: Then There Was Abundance</em>, provides critical information on conventional and unconventional natural gas supply sources.

New Congressional Inquiries On Hydraulic Fracturing; EPA Delays Compression Station Rule; GHG Limits Face New Hurdle

Congressional concern about "fracking" took another step forward when the chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee sent letters to eight companies asking for details on the chemicals they use during horizontal drilling of shale gas deposits.

Worlds First Gravity-Based LNG Terminal Supplies Gas To Italy

In October 2009, Adriatic LNG placed the world’s first gravity–based LNG terminal into service. Adriatic LNG is a joint venture between Qatar Terminal Limited (45%), a 100%-owned Qatar Petroleum subsidiary, ExxonMobil Italiana Gas (45%) and Edison SpA (10%).

From Drake To The Marcellus Shale Gas Play--Distribution Developments

The North American shale gas revolution is entering a new phase of activity with gas production in the “Big 7” shale gas plays: Antrim, Barnett, Devonian, Fayetteville, Woodford, Haynesville and Marcellus, now estimated to be on track to rise to between 27-39 Bcf/d over the next decade – with the Marcellus now singularly recognized as the largest unconventional natural gas reserve in the world.

GE Energy Invests $150 Million In Mississippi LNG Terminal

GE Energy Financial Services announced March 31 that it is investing $150 million to acquire Houston-based investor Crest Group’s 30% interest in the fully contracted $1.1 billion Gulf LNG Energy terminal under construction in Mississippi.

Big Oil Faces Global Competition From National Oil Companies

Until recently, nationalized oil companies (NOCs) posed a competitive threat to international oil companies (IOCs) only in their home countries. However, a number of factors have now converged to prompt once-isolated NOCs to expand their reach on a global scale.

Buckeye/NOVA Chemicals Plan NGL Pipeline

Buckeye Partners, L.P. and NOVA Chemicals Corp. have signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the evaluation and development of a mixed NGL pipeline from the Marcellus Basin in Pennsylvania to the refining and petrochemical complex in the Sarnia-Lambton area in Ontario, Canada.

El Paso Pipeline To Serve Two Prominent Marcellus Shale Producers

El Paso Corp’s wholly owned subsidiary, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company (TGP), has executed binding, 20-year term agreements for 100% of the capacity for its Northeast Upgrade Project.

April Newsreel: Study Questions Benefits of 2005 Energy Policy Act; Shell Gets CGA President's Award; EQT Acquiring Acreage in Marcellus and more

<a href="http://pipelineandgasjournal.com/april-newsreel-study-questions-benefits-2005-energy-policy-act-shell-gets-cga-presidents-award-eqt-a?page=2#study">Storage Study Questions Benefits Of 2005 Energy Policy Act</a> <a href="http://pipelineandgasjournal.com/april-newsreel-study-questions-benefits-2005-energy-policy-act-shell-gets-cga-presidents-award-eqt-a?page=2#shell">Shell Pipeline Company Receives Common Ground Alliance President's Award</a>

Southern Unions Trunkline LNG Infrastructure Enhancement Project Placed In-Service

Southern Union Company announced March 15 that it received approval from FERC to place its Trunkline LNG Infrastructure Enhancement Project (IEP) into service.

Pipeline & Gas Journals 2010 International Pipeline Construction Report

P&GJ’s latest international survey indicates a much higher number of pipelines in the engineering and design phase vs. actual construction. This year’s figures show the international sector accounts for 90,624 miles of pipelines under construction and planned.

Michels Crews Tackle Construction On Three Major North American Pipeline Projects

In 2009, Michels Pipeline Construction, a division of Brownsville, WI-based Michels Corp., was involved in construction of portions of TransCanada’s 2,148-mile Keystone Pipeline, Kinder Morgan’s 1,679-mile Rockies Express Pipeline and Enbridge Energy’s 1,000-mile Alberta Clipper Pipeline.

Papua New Guinea OKs LNG Project Agreement

Houston-based InterOil Corp. announced Dec. 10 that the National Executive Council (NEC) of Papua New Guinea approved plans for construction of an LNG plant.

Sailing Into Unknown Waters: A New World Order For Natural Gas?

It only seems like a short time ago that oil prices were over $100 a barrel, natural gas prices in the U.S. and UK were high, spot LNG cargoes into the Far East were priced at over $20 per MMBtu and experts in the energy industry were mainly concerned about whether the world could afford the high prices.

Crossing For 320-Mile CO2 Pipeline Challenges New HDD Company And Crew

Starting a new horizontal directional drilling company in the current economic conditions can be challenging, but John Dagenhart has seen the ups and downs of this industry during his 18-year career in the trenchless industry and is using this experience to help guide his newly formed company.

RasGas LNG And ExxonMobil Train 6 Inaugurated In Qatar

Even though “First Drop” had occurred on July 31, 2009, the official inauguration of the RasGas LNG and ExxonMobil Train 6 in Qatar was not held until Oct. 27 to coincide with RasGas LNG’s Tenth Anniversary in the LNG industry.

Prices down, supply up: Natural gas cost bounces predicted in North America

Wood Mackenzie released an update on the North American natural gas outlook Nov. 20, with a grim prognosis for the future of natural gas prices through 2011.

Worlds First Offshore Gravity-Based LNG Terminal Near Venice

In a pioneering application for the global liquid natural gas (LNG) industry, GE Oil & Gas technology is powering the world’s first gravity-based offshore LNG terminal 10 miles offshore from the town of Rovigo, near Venice, on Italy’s north east coast.

What's New: Valves and Valve Operators

Structural Integrity Associates and New Century Software, Pipe and Valve Technology Institute, Victaulic, Elster Perfection, Rotork, Metso Automation, Tyco Flow Control, Siemens Energy & Automation, WhiteStar Corp., Tinker & Rasor, ViaData LP, Emerson Process Management, Sensus, Pietro Fiorentini and TechCorr.

Are Investors Prepared To Capture The Opportunity Of LNG That Emerges From The Recession?

Despite the global financial crisis which has led to a fall in energy demand and prices, the market for liquefied natural gas (LNG) is expected to regain its steep growth trajectory in the mid and long terms.

GE Oil & Gas Awarded $400 Million Contract for Australia's Gorgon Natural Gas Field

GE Oil & Gas announced Oct. 22 that Chevron has awarded the company a competitive bid to deploy advanced LNG technology for the development of the Gorgon natural gas field.