
Pipeline Outlook 2013

No matter what you may hear tonight, tomorrow or the next day, the story is going to change. That’s the state of our industry today and if our industry, government lawmakers and regulators handle development properly, this really can recharge our economic engine for years to come.

Pipeline & Gas Journals 2013 Worldwide Construction Report

<em>P&GJ</em>’s 2013 survey figures indicate 116,837 miles of pipelines are planned and under construction worldwide. Of these, 83,806 represent projects in the planning worldwide design phase while 33,031 reflect various stages of construction.

Energy Industry Faces Labor Gap Challenge

Between expanding markets and a wave of retirements, the energy industry faces the possibility of a worldwide shortage of labor. In the upstream oil and gas press, it has been called the “Great Crew Change.” Due to age demographics in the industry, many experienced workers will be eligible to retire in the next few years, potentially creating a drastic loss of experience and expertise that also coincides with a low number of younger individuals entering the industry.

Profiles in Courage: Why Shale Oil & Gas Will Lead To Another American Revolution

The transformation potential of shale oil and gas to the American energy, manufacturing, chemical, and pipeline industries is nothing short of revolutionary. As part of this revolution, the U.S. can form a competitive advantage versus other global economies lasting for the next generation… if government leaders and entrepreneurs demonstrate the courage necessary to tread this path.

Jobs In A Ripple-Out Economy Come From Oil, Gas, Coal, And Then The Cloud

You can’t escape the irony. Ohio is doing better. Jobs are coming back and they are energy jobs. No, not from wind, battery and electric cars, but from oil and gas. Ohio is already well along its way to a jobs recovery in large measure from a hydrocarbon boom.

Industry Veterans Weigh In On Oil And Gas Development Internationally, Post-Election

Increasing production and continuing opportunity for the oil and gas markets were the focus of “A New World of Opportunity,” Deloitte’s 2012 oil and gas conference held Nov. 13 in Houston.

Shale Gas Boom A Boom For Chemical Industry

The shale gas boom could be a major factor in cutting costs for the chemical industry as well as benefiting other industries, says a report from PwC US.

Avoiding Hollywood Factor To Stay Within Timelines, Budgets

Celebrity attention – well-meaning but sometimes misdirected -- and other international pressures can disrupt pipeline construction timelines and budgets. Globally, oil and gas explorers and producers are being pushed to work in more difficult environments, whether surface, subsurface, or “politically” in order to find and transport reserves. It is only to be expected that people who may be affected by a resource project will have concerns that relate to real impacts or perceived impacts.

ExxonMobil Plans Five-Year Investment of $185 Billion To Develop New Energy Supplies

ExxonMobil plans to invest approximately $185 billion over the next five years to develop new supplies of energy to meet expected growth in demand, Chairman and CEO Rex W. Tillerson said recently in a presentation at the New York Stock Exchange.

Editor's Notebook: Too Good To Be True?

Cheap and abundant, cleaner power generation, new jobs, profitable refineries, returning petrochem plants, the good news about natural gas just keeps on coming, or does it?

TransCanada Updates Keystone XL Route

TransCanada Corporation announced on Sept. 5 that it has submitted a Supplemental Environmental Report (SER) to the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) for the preferred alternative route for the Keystone XL Pipeline in Nebraska.

Editor's Notebook: The Watkins Legacy

Perhaps you read the obituary. On July 26 retired Admiral James D. Watkins died at age 85. What you should know is this: he was the best Secretary of Energy this country has ever had and was a very important person to our industry.

Ziff Energy Group Now In Its 30th Year

Now marking its 30th year in business, Ziff Energy Group has earned a worldwide reputation for stellar consulting services that focus on groundbreaking operational benchmarking studies of onshore and offshore oil and natural gas fields along with long term natural gas supply, demand, and price forecasts for North America.

Keeping Your High Potentials Engaged

Are you an energy distribution company? Are you having trouble attracting and keeping talented employees? There may be a pool of high potentials already available!

Shale, Other Unconventional Natural Gas Supports More Than 1 Million Jobs

Natural gas production from shale, coal bed methane and tight sands is expected to generate significant job creation, economic growth, and revenue for federal, state and local treasuries throughout the U.S. in gas producing and non-producing states alike, according to a new IHS Global Insight study.

Demand Grows For Comprehensive Natural Gas Education Programs

Barton Community College’s Natural Gas programs have grown by leaps and bounds since the first curriculum was introduced in August 2008, but the roots go back to almost three decades ago when MidWest Energy began working with Barton, based in Great Bend, KS, to build a gas field on college grounds to train their workers.

Ex-Im Bank OKs Nearly $3 Billion In Financing For U.S. Goods, Services To LNG Project

The Export-Import Bank of the United States authorized a $2.95 billion direct loan to support U.S. exports to the Australia Pacific LNG project.

Gazprom Bidding For Greek Company

Fourteen companies, including Gazprom and three other Russian firms, are bidding to acquire DEPA and its fully owned subsidiary DESFA, the Greek state-controlled gas transportation systems. Additionally, Gazprom is targeting Greece’s dominant oil company, Hellenic Petroleum, part-owner of DEPA, for possible acquisition.

Editor's Notebook: Remember The Workforce

An issue is beginning to crop up again that we haven’t heard much about recently. Somewhat hidden by the enduring economic slowdown and 8% unemployment rate, we may have been led to think that the workforce issue in the oil and gas industry was no longer a serious problem.

The Oil And Gas Job Multiplier

No economic development plan is ever complete without its economic impact study. This is then a statistical presentation outlining the benefits of a stadium or an event to the local economy. No group has been more aggressive or effective in generating these models than the public stadium and arena development industry.

How Pipeliners Are Made: A Win-Win With Union Training In Northeast

After a handful of years when unemployment prevented acceptance of new members, the Local 825 branch of the International Union of Operating Engineers has returned to a tradition of member training it has been practicing since the early ’60s - to an enthusiastic response.

Kinder Morgan Gets FTC Approval For El Paso Acquisition

Kinder Morgan, Inc. has received approval for its pending acquisition of El Paso Corp. from the Federal Trade Commission, subject to divestiture of certain Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P. assets. The FTC terminated the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act waiting period, clearing the way for the companies to close the transaction as anticipated in late May.

Midstream Developers Busy Building Pipelines

Midstream development companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in developing the pipeline needed to move the products produced in the Eagle Ford Shale region to the refineries and processing plants located in close areas.

Shale Gas May Reinvigorate Domestic Chemical, Plastic Industries

Analysts with Great American Group LLC, a provider of asset disposition, valuation and appraisal services, believe that falling natural gas prices may have a significant impact on the domestic petrochemical industry in 2012 and beyond.

Energy Transfer Partners Buying Sunoco For $5.3 Billion

On the heels of its purchase of Southern Union Group, Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners announced April 30 plans to acquire Sunoco for $5.3 billion.

Baker Institute Paper Suggests Pipeline Alternative To Hormuz Oil Route

Improvements to the pipelines crossing the Arabian Peninsula would allow more of the oil produced in the Persian Gulf to avoid the Strait of Hormuz, according to a new paper from Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy.

Talisman Will Trim Marcellus Exploration

Canada's Talisman Energy is making even heavier cuts to its rig count in the Marcellus Shale natural gas play and will not reverse that trend until gas prices return to $4 per Mcf, CEO John Manzoni said.

Energy Industry Has Potential As Key Economic Engine

Having proved resilient throughout the Great Recession compared to other sectors, the energy industry has the potential to be a key engine of economic growth and recovery, according to a new study by IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (IHS CERA) and the World Economic Forum. The findings of the study were presented at CERAWeek 2012 in Houston.

Texas Lost $7.7 Billion From Declining Natural Gas Use

Texas is the nation’s top producer of natural gas – an industry that provides nearly 1.3 million jobs and $60 billion in labor income to our economy annually. However, Texas’ use of natural gas has been decreasing – slowly but steadily – displaced by out-of-state coal.

Shale Boom Continues To Drive New Pipeline Construction

In an interview with Pipeline & Gas Journal, David Sheehan, chairman of Tulsa-based Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Company, the nation’s oldest pipeline construction firm, offered his perspective on the impact of the shale boom on near-term pipeline construction, what is needed to reassure the public that shale development is safe and the possibility of future restrictive environmental regulations.