
Natural Gas Gains Favor With Power Generators

The rapid growth of Canada's oil sands is expected to dramatically increase its consumption of natural gas over the coming decade, a prospect that stands to help Alberta's gas industry but raise the country's emissions.

Marcellus Shale Production Nearing 4 Bcf/d

The Department of Energy reports natural gas production in the Northeast has grown rapidly since early 2009 as a result of increased drilling activity in the Marcellus Shale.

USGS Updates Survey Of Marcellus Resource Base

The Marcellus Shale contains about 84 Tcf of undiscovered, technically recoverable natural gas and 3.4 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable natural gas liquids according to a new assessment by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).  These gas estimates are significantly more than the last USGS assessment of the Marcellus Shale in the Appalachian Basin in 2002, which estimated a mean of about 2 Tcf and 0.01 billion barrels of natural gas liquids.

Successful Open Season For Mariner West Project

MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources, L.L.C. announced three critical milestones in the ongoing development of the hydrocarbon-rich area of the Marcellus Shale. The first milestone was made by Sunoco Logistics L.P. of completion of the Mariner West open season and execution of definitive transportation agreements.

Kinder Morgan Acquires SouthTex Treaters

Following hot on the heels of the announcement that Kinder Morgan Energy Partners had agreed to acquire El Paso Corporation, KMP announced Oct. 24 that it has signed a definitive purchase and sale agreement to acquire SouthTex Treaters, a manufacturer, designer and fabricator of natural gas treating plants that remove CO2 and H2S, for approximately $155 million.

Alliance Holds Open Season For Proposed Tioga Lateral Project

Alliance Pipeline L.P. announced an open season to identify further shipper demand for natural gas transportation service originating on its proposed 77-mile Tioga Lateral Project pipeline in North Dakota for delivery to the Chicago market hub.

$38B El Paso-Kinder Morgan Deal: How They Got Here, What's Next

In a deal that will have enormous ramifications for the pipeline industry, Kinder Morgan, Inc. has announced plans to buy El Paso Corp. for $38 billion. If it goes through, the deal will create the largest midstream energy enterprise company as well as:

Kinder Morgan to Purchase El Paso for Approximately $38 Billion

Kinder Morgan, Inc. and El Paso Corporation announced Oct. 16 a definitive agreement whereby KMI will acquire all of the outstanding shares of EP in a transaction that will create the largest midstream and the fourth largest energy company in North America with an enterprise value of approximately $94 billion and 80,000 miles of pipelines.

NuStar Reactivates Pipeline To Transport Eagle Ford Crude 

As part of an agreement with Koch Pipeline Company, L.P., NuStar Logistics has reactivated its Pettus South Pipeline to transport Eagle Ford shale crude oil to Corpus Christi, TX.

HDD Solves Crude Line Replacement Across St. Clair River

Enbridge sprang into action after confirming a minor anomaly on its 30-inch Line 6B crude oil pipeline where it crosses under the St. Clair River spanning from Marysville, MI to St. Clair Township, Ontario.

Construction Begins On $235 Million Red Bluff Project

Southern Union has approved construction of the $235 million Red Bluff Project, a 200 MMcf/d natural gas processing plant and associated gathering, compression and treating facilities, through its midstream segment, Southern Union Gas Services (SUGS).

Pennsylvania The New Hub Of Pipeline Work

Pennsylvania and the Marcellus Shale natural gas reservoir are emerging as a key focus of natural gas pipeline operators, as the increasing gas flow spurs projects to bring it to customers in the northeastern U.S. and possibly Canada.

Nova Gas Announces Pipeline Plans

NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanada Pipe Lines Ltd., recently announced plans for two pipelines. The first involves plans to construct and operate four new segments of pipeline and related facilities for the proposed Komie North Extension Project.

Petrochemical Industry Closely Watching Shale Plays

Much has been written about how oil and gas derived from shale is going to bring back North America as a viable energy source, making it at the least more self-reliant and at the most a major exporter of energy products and fuels.

Shale Gas in Todays Context

It’s no secret: popular media publications and those from the energy industry don’t always agree. But about six years ago, the national press radically split with the industry press on the subject of natural gas.

Carib Energy Wins DOE Authorization To Export LNG

Carib Energy (USA) LLC received authorization from the U.S. Department of Energy to export LNG to Free Trade Agreement (FTA) countries in Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Corrosiveness Of Oil Sands Crude An Unproven Science

While recent oil spills has added to debate over the safety of shipping Canada’s oil sands crude through pipelines, there is little hard evidence that the oil is more corrosive than conventional crude, according to a report by Reuters which interviewed various scientists and regulators.

Impact Of Japan's Nuclear Disaster On New And Planned Facilities

Japan’s March 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident dealt a tremendous blow to nuclear facilities, both planned and operating, around the globe. It also ignited fresh interest in natural gas and added to the pressure on countries to replace coal power plants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

NTSB faults PG&E and government oversight in San Bruno explosion

On August 30 the five-member National Transportation Safety Board announced that its nearly year-long investigation into the San Bruno pipeline explosion has determined that Pacific Gas & Electric's lax approach to pipeline safety and inadequate oversight from the California utility commission and PHMSA were the ultimate cause of the most devastating pipeline accident in a decade.

What Will Valve Industry Look Like In 2025?

Because industrial valves have existed since the dawn of the industrial revolution, the industry can be perceived as mature, traditional and resistant to change. Those of us in the industry know we have played a vital role in global development and evolve dynamically to adapt to industry’s needs. In fact, without innovations from valve suppliers, much of the world’s infrastructure could not exist, and access to essential natural resources would be impossible.

New Marcellus Pipelines Could Encounter Opposition

Reuters reports that an equally vexing battle - if less controversial than hydraulic fracturing - now looms in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale gas region: ensuring that enough pipelines are built, quickly enough, to funnel the gas into the deep Northeast market.

Kinder Morgan-Copano Increase Presence In Eagle Ford Shale

Eagle Ford Gathering LLC, a 50/50 joint venture between Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, LP and Copano Energy, LLC announced two long-term agreements to provide transportation, processing and fractionation services to Petrohawk Energy Corp. and Rosetta Resources Operating LP, an affiliate of Rosetta Resources Inc., two of the leading operators in the Eagle Ford Shale play in South Texas.

Natural Gas Industry Spent $3.5 Million Lobbying In PA

A report by the <em>Scranton Times Tribune</em> found that the natural gas industry spent more than $3.5 million last year to lobby lawmakers and state officials on issues concerning Marcellus Shale gas extraction.

Pipeline Costs In Shale Gas Regions

Ziff Energy has released a report that analyses the costs for new natural gas transportation infrastructure in the seven North America shale gas regions: Marcellus, Eagle Ford, Haynesville, Barnett, Woodford, Fayetteville, and Horn River.

Editor's Notebook: Northern Light

Sometimes it’s hard to know when bad news is really a blessing in disguise, at least for some. Shell has announced plans to dump its 11.4% stake in the proposed Mackenzie natural gas production and pipeline project, thus dealing another crippling, if not fatal, blow to the long-discussed northern Canada venture.

Rockies Express Pipeline May Reverse Flow To Move Shale Gas

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP is now considering reversing its Rockies Express Pipeline, acknowledging that with plenty of natural gas along the East Coast, the pipeline may better serve customers in the West.

EIA tallys shale oil and gas resources

The Energy Information Agency (EIA) has released a report estimating the volumes of gas and oil recoverable from shale plays in the 48 contiguous United States: about 750 trillion cubic feet of gas, and 24 billion barrels of oil.

Chevron Taking Measured Approach To Shale Gas

Chevron, the second-largest U.S. oil company, added 228,000 acres in the Marcellus shale in May to follow up on its $3.2 billion acquisition of Atlas Energy, which gave Chevron its first big stake in the northeastern field.

Korea Gas Joins Northeastern B.C. Shale Gas Play

Korean Gas Corp., the world's biggest LNG purchaser, is buying into a northeastern B.C. shale gas play in a move that proponents say promises to accelerate LNG exports to Asia.

First Tier 4 Machines Tested On Tennessee Valley Gas Line Construction

The Tennessee Valley Authority serves 9 million customers in seven states, and two-thirds of its power is generated from coal. So the fact that Spectra Energy is installing a 24-inch gas pipeline through northern Tennessee to feed a TVA power plant is news in itself. But the construction of the North East Tennessee pipeline (NET), due to be completed in September, touches on some of the most discussed issues in the industry.